Home Wuthering Waves Items Wuthering Waves Items Category: Any Category: Any Category: Currency Category: Development Materials Category: Echoes Category: Quest Items Category: Resources Category: Supplies Category: Valuables Category: Weapons Rarity: Any Rarity: Any"Dream Return Song III: Stone Leaf Tears""Fire in the Wilderness" Excerpt"Instruction Manual For Left-handers""Lingo Collection - Part One""Star""Starlight""Suppressor Tower I - Maintenance Log""Suppressor Tower II - Maintenance Log""Sweet Puff""Sweet Puff""The Modunasha""Wishes Under a Clear Sky"<i>A Transgressor's Transcript</i><i>Averardo Vault Brochure</i><i>Essays on the Ragunnesi Drama</i><i>Former Privy Councilor's Notes</i><i>Lonely SOL-3: The Complete Guide to Ragunna</i><i>The Codex of Holy Rituals</i><i>The Martyrdom of Blessed Fleurdelys - Act III</i> (Unfinished)<i>Tower</i><i>Voyage Logbook</i><i>Witchcraft, Spies, and Complaints</i>5-star Weapon Supply ChestA beautiful necklace.A Brand New PhotographA DiaryA Dream Soaked in MistA Fairy TaleA Glance BackwardA Journey Concluded in the TidesA Million PossibilitiesA Million PossibilitiesA Photograph Covered with ScratchesA Photograph Stained with BloodA player that contains Qianxin's singing voice.A Slice of PizzaAalto's WavebandAbandoned Data Chip from Norfall BarrensAbandoned Data Chip from Tiger's MawAbandoned Data Chip from Whining Aix's MireAbsolver Captain's SealAbyssal CoralAccusation of the PenitentActivated Chrono SignActive Tacetite SampleActivity PointsAdagio HelixAdvanced Enclosure TankAdvanced Enclosure TankAdvanced Energy BagAdvanced Energy Bag RecipeAdvanced Energy CoreAdvanced Nutrient BlockAdvanced Nutrient Block FormulaAdvanced Resonance PotionAdvanced Revival InhalerAdvanced Revival Inhaler RecipeAdvanced Sealed TubeAdvanced TunerAdventure LogAdventure LogAdventurer's Starter PackAero Eroded CoinAero PetrolAero Petrol RecipeAero Resistance SprayAero Resistance Spray RecipeAero-resistant SprayAfterglow CoralAhab's DiaryAircraft Accident ReportAll the Rediscovered TalesAmber KeyAn error happened. Please contact Customer ServiceAn error happened. Please contact Customer ServiceAn error happened. Please contact Customer ServiceAn error happened. Please contact Customer ServiceAn error happened. Please contact Customer ServiceAn error happened. Please contact Customer ServiceAn error occurred. Please contact our Customer Service for assistanceAn Unfinished SongAn Unfinished SongAn Unfinished SongAn Unfinished SongAndante HelixAngelicaAngelica TeaAngelica Tea RecipeAnimal FatArchive: "The First Resonator"Archive: Huaxu Academy, Jinzhou CampusArchive: Sugar Pearl Vaccine and Tacet Discord OutbreakArchive: Tacet DiscordAria of AbsolutionAs Night Sinks into AbyssAs the Divine Hath SpokenAs the Express through the RainAshen DreamAsos's Information TouchpadAssistance: Rare PactAstriteAstrum Unicum / Stars, Rebirth, and YouAureate Fried RiceAureate Fried Rice RecipeAuspicious BellAwakening BundleAwakening Bundle (For Pre-Sales)Azure LizardBaa Baa CrispBadge of CourageBadge of SpeedBadge of StrengthBaizhi's WavebandBase FluidBasic Enclosure TankBasic Enclosure TankBasic Energy BagBasic Energy Bag RecipeBasic Energy CoreBasic Nutrient BlockBasic Nutrient Block FormulaBasic Resonance PotionBasic Revival InhalerBasic Revival Inhaler RecipeBasic RingBasic Sealed TubeBasic TunerBaton BreadBaton Bread RecipeBattlefield Record 6010: 91.7 Highland ContestBattlefield Record 6010: AutumnBattlefield Record 6010: ReorganizationBattlefield Record 6010: Setting Off AgainBattlefield Record 6010: This Might Be the LastBay LeafBeacon of the PastBeansBefore I WitherBell CrabBell of ResonanceBell SpiritonBelle PoppyBenett's TerminalBetrayer Captain's SealBetween the WavesBiological SampleBird EggBittberryBlack FruitBlack-Striped FrogBlake Bloom's AidBlake Bloom's Data AidBlake Bloom's Forging AidBlake Bloom's Radiant AidBlazing BoneBlazing Feather Spicy MeatBlue Feather ButterflyBlue-Spotted Giant FishBoost PartBoost UnitBoost Unit: FlightBox of SilenceBraising SauceBrant's WavebandBroken ShacklesBunnywortBy Moon's GraceCadence BlossomCadence BudCadence LeafCadence SeedCalcharo's WavebandCall of the Abyss Crafting RecipeCaltropCaltrop SoupCaltrop Soup RecipeCaltrop Stir FryCaltrop Stir Fry RecipeCamellya's group photo 1Camellya's group photo 2Camellya's group photo 3Camellya's WavebandCandied CaltropsCandied Caltrops RecipeCandyCaptain's ChartCarlotta's "Gem"Carlotta's WavebandCasket SonarCasket Sonar Use Permit: JinzhouCasket Sonar Use Permit: RinascitaCassia BudCat's Eye BroochCelestial Light & Lingering TunesChampion HotpotChangli's LetterChangli's WavebandChiliChili Sauce TofuChili Sauce Tofu RecipeChixia's father's diaryChixia's WavebandChromeshellChrono SignChrysopaCipher KeyCity Bathed in Sea BreezeCleansing ConchClear SoupCliffrecluseClimbing FigCloudcaster's BaseCloudcaster's HandleCloudcaster's Resonance UnitCloudcasting ProjectCoast FlaxCodex of the Deep: Preface (137th Edition)ConnoisseurConnoisseur KeyConviction of VoyageCooking oilCoriolusCourt of Savantae's Data ChipCreamy CloudsCrispy SquabCrispy Squab RecipeCrude RingCrude Voice MaterialCruising Drake's delivery boxCrushed CandyCrystal Clear BunsCrystal SolventCrystallized LeafCurtains Up for ReveriesDagger with Special SymbolsDaily PaniniDaily Panini RecipeDancer amid the BloomsDancing Through FantasiesDanjin's WavebandData Bank experienceData Log of Black Shores Staff ForumData SetData source to be analyzedDaybreak ArisesDaybreak DescendsDe Anima / On the SoulDe Caelo / On the HeavensDe Generatione et Corruptione / On Generation and CorruptionDe Sophisticis Elenchis / Sophistical RefutationsDeep Sky Blazar Weapon ChestDelivery BoxDelivery BoxDelivery BoxDelivery BoxDevelopment Rare PactDewvetchDewvetch's diaryDim Forest DataDim Forest Ecological Survey 1.Dim Forest Ecological Survey 2.Dim Forest Ecological Survey IIIDim Forest Ecological Survey IVDim Forest Ecological Survey SummaryDim Forest Ecological Survey VDim Forest Survey Team DiaryDream FragmentDream FragmentDream FragmentDream of ChaosDreamless FeatherDried FlowerDripsnailDriver's Recording CardDropped keyDrummer SolventDrummer Solvent RecipeEcho component Synthesis recipeEcho Frequency ChipEchoes of DestructionEdodesEdodes RecipeEfficiency is WealthEgg Pancake RecipeElectro Eroded CoinElectro PetrolElectro Petrol RecipeElectro Resistance SprayElectro Resistance Spray RecipeElectro-resistant SprayElegy Tacet CoreEmpyrean Anthem & Midnight VeilEncore's WavebandEntwined FootstepsErodorchidEverlasting LongingEvery Flavor Bell CrabEvery Flavor Bell Crab RecipeEvery Flavor Bell-less CrabEvery Flavor Bell-less Crab RecipeExiles' WeaponExorcistic AdjurationExplosive ChargeExtracted PhlogistonFables of Wisdom Crafting RecipeFailed AttemptFaith of UnityFameFamiliar-looking Large Fishfantastic-tasting riceFeatherFeather PendantFelicitous OlivesFF Howler CoreFF Polygon CoreFF Tidal ResiduumFF Whisperin CoreFickleness of Lifefire tagEcho blind boxFirecracker JewelweedFishFisher's ChowderFisher's Chowder RecipeFlame Feather PendantFlawless PhlogistonFleeting SorrowFloral PorridgeFloramberFlourFluffy WuthercakeFluid CatalystFluid StabilizerFluoriteFood Ration BarFood Ration Bar RecipeFool's GoldForgery Advanced SupplyForgery Advanced SupplyForgery Basic SupplyForgery Basic SupplyForgery Medium SupplyForgery Medium SupplyForgery Premium SupplyForgery Premium SupplyForging TideFowl MeatFragment of a Mysterious ScriptureFragment of a Mysterious Scripture: Chapter OneFragment of a Mysterious Scripture: Chapter ThreeFragment of a Mysterious Scripture: Chapter TwoFreezing Frost & Void ThunderFresh FishFrostwork CakeFrosty Resolve & Eternal RadianceFull Metal Alert!FurFusion Eroded CoinFusion PetrolFusion Petrol RecipeFusion Resistance SprayFusion Resistance Spray RecipeFusion-resistant SprayGardener's AidGemberryGilded GinkgoGinkgo: Syntonize SupplyGlacio Eroded CoinGlacio PetrolGlacio Petrol RecipeGlacio Resistance SprayGlacio Resistance Spray RecipeGlacio-resistant SprayGlazed LampGloom SloughGold Star PizzaGold Star Pizza RecipeGold-Dissolving FeatherGoldcrest ScarabGolden FleeceGolden Fried RiceGolden-ringed DragonflyGoldenback FrogGondola's JourneyGrand Library Route MapGreen Field PotGreen Pit LizardGroup Abomination Tacet CoreGuide CrystalHalf A Lucky CoinHalf of a jade pendantHappiness TeaHarmony TabletsHarmony Tablets RecipeHavoc Eclipse & Moonlit CloudsHavoc Eroded CoinHavoc PetrolHavoc Petrol RecipeHavoc Resistance SprayHavoc Resistance Spray RecipeHavoc-resistant SprayHazard RecordHearty SupperHeat Absorption DeviceHeliobane FungiaHelm Village Lighthouse KeyHer BraceletHeterized Metallic DripHF Howler CoreHF Polygon CoreHF Tidal ResiduumHF Whisperin CoreHidden Thunder Tacet CoreHomebound HourHoneysuckleHoneysuckle CakeHoneysuckle Cake RecipeHot Pot BaseHuanglong OmeletteHunting Lost FlagIced Grape TeaIced PerillaIcefield Honor MedalImproved RingImpure PhlogistonIn the Name of HumanityIn Three Days' TimeIndigoiteInert Metallic DripInfluenceInfluenceInfluenceInfluenceInnocent DreamsInscription DeviceInsider ChannelInsider Channel KeyIntimacyIntimacyIntimacyInvestigation Report on the Quick-Access Portals on the Black ShoresInvitation with a FragranceIrisIron Shovel EdodesItemInfo_70010066_NameItemInfo_70010067_NameItemInfo_80110417_NameJianxin's WavebandJiaping's DiaryJinhsi's WavebandJinzhou Folklore JournalJinzhou MaocaiJinzhou Maocai RecipeJinzhou SkewersJinzhou Skewers RecipeJinzhou StewJinzhou Stew RecipeJinzhou Sunrise PhotoJiyan copy prop 1Jiyan's WavebandJudgment Lost FlagJudgment upon the GuiltyKey to the Petri DishKey to the Rock RuinsKoko's special "Luohan Clearwater"KU-Cass CartridgeKU-Money's Personal CollectionKudzu CongeeKudzu Congee RecipeKudzu RootLady Flora's BraceletLampylumenLanternberryLaurus SaladLaurus Salad RecipeLeafLeaf affected by "Waveworn"Legend of Drunken Hero Crafting RecipeLemon-Braised PorkLemon-Braised Pork RecipeLemongrassLento HelixLevel Delivery Test Item - Gun BodyLevel Delivery Test Item - Spear BreechLevel Delivery Test Item - Spear TipLF Howler CoreLF Polygon CoreLF Tidal ResiduumLF Whisperin CoreLifted Clouds of EonsLingering Tunes & Rejuvenating GlowLingyang's picture bookLingyang's WavebandLiondance CompanionLo, Lo, Lollo Logistics!Locked BoxLollo StampLoneliness of the Deep SeaLoong BunLoong Bun RecipeLoong Whiskers CrispLoong Whiskers Crisp RecipeLoong's PearlLootmapperLootmapper Use Permit: JinzhouLootmapper Use Permit: RinascitaLord Echo Blind BoxLost KeyLost on the Pilgrim's PathLotus PastryLotus Seed SoupLotus SeedsLucky CoinLumi's WavebandLuniteLunite SubscriptionLunite SubscriptionLunite Subscription (15 days)Lunite Subscription (7 days)Lustrous TideLv.10 Supply PackLv.20 Supply PackLv.30 Supply PackLv.40 Supply PackLv.50 Supply PackLv.60 Supply PackLv.65 Supply PackLv.70 Supply PackLv.75 Supply PackLv.80 Supply PackLycoris with Ominous AuraMagisterial Forging AidMagisterial Radiant AidMahe Special Ingredient PackMalleable Elite Class Echo - RagunnaMalleable Elite Class Echo IMalleable Elite Class Echo IMalleable Elite Class Echo IIMalleable Elite Class Echo IIMalleable Elite Class Echo IIIMalleable Elite Class Echo IVMangosteenMangosteenMap drawn by HoochiefMask of ConstraintMask of DistortionMask of ErosionMask of InsanityMastic NuvolaMature CliffrecluseMechanical boxMeditations on Mercy Crafting RecipeMedium Enclosure TankMedium Enclosure TankMedium Energy BagMedium Energy Bag RecipeMedium Energy CoreMedium Nutrient BlockMedium Nutrient Block FormulaMedium Resonance PotionMedium Revival InhalerMedium Revival Inhaler RecipeMedium Sealed TubeMedium TunerMelody BoxMerchant Lost FlagMerry Plushie FriendsMetal DebrisMetal KeyMF Howler CoreMF Polygon CoreMF Tidal ResiduumMF Whisperin CoreMilkmilk tagEcho blind boxMilky Fish SoupMilky Fish Soup RecipeMisty TeaModel HL-1ModunashaMolded Echo - Crimson Curtain Call IMolded Echo - Crimson Curtain Call IMolded Echo - Crimson Curtain Call IIMolded Echo - Crimson Curtain Call IIMolded Elite Class Echo IMolded Elite Class Echo IIMolten Rift & Rejuvenating GlowMonnaieMontelli Clearance Module - Level IMontelli Clearance Module - Level IIMontelli Clearance Module - Level IIIMonument BellMoon BrewMoon Brew RecipeMoon PearlMoon Pearl RecipeMorale TabletsMorale Tablets RecipeMorphable Common Class EchoMorphable Common Class EchoMorphable EchoMorphable EchoMorphable Echo - Celestial LightMorphable Echo - Celestial LightMorphable Echo - Celestial LightMorphable Echo - Celestial LightMorphable Echo - Empyrean AnthemMorphable Echo - Empyrean AnthemMorphable Echo - Empyrean AnthemMorphable Echo - Eternal RadianceMorphable Echo - Eternal RadianceMorphable Echo - Eternal RadianceMorphable Echo - Freezing FrostMorphable Echo - Freezing FrostMorphable Echo - Freezing FrostMorphable Echo - Freezing FrostMorphable Echo - Frosty ResolveMorphable Echo - Frosty ResolveMorphable Echo - Frosty ResolveMorphable Echo - Havoc EclipseMorphable Echo - Havoc EclipseMorphable Echo - Havoc EclipseMorphable Echo - Havoc EclipseMorphable Echo - Lingering TunesMorphable Echo - Lingering TunesMorphable Echo - Lingering TunesMorphable Echo - Lingering TunesMorphable Echo - Midnight VeilMorphable Echo - Midnight VeilMorphable Echo - Midnight VeilMorphable Echo - Molten RiftMorphable Echo - Molten RiftMorphable Echo - Molten RiftMorphable Echo - Molten RiftMorphable Echo - Moonlit CloudsMorphable Echo - Moonlit CloudsMorphable Echo - Moonlit CloudsMorphable Echo - Moonlit CloudsMorphable Echo - Rejuvenating GlowMorphable Echo - Rejuvenating GlowMorphable Echo - Rejuvenating GlowMorphable Echo - Rejuvenating GlowMorphable Echo - Sierra GaleMorphable Echo - Sierra GaleMorphable Echo - Sierra GaleMorphable Echo - Sierra GaleMorphable Echo - Tidebreaking CourageMorphable Echo - Tidebreaking CourageMorphable Echo - Tidebreaking CourageMorphable Echo - Void ThunderMorphable Echo - Void ThunderMorphable Echo - Void ThunderMorphable Echo - Void ThunderMorphable Elite Class EchoMorphable Elite Class EchoMorphable Overlord Class EchoMorphable Overlord Class EchoMorri PotMorri Pot RecipeMortefi's WavebandMulti-Scoop Ice CreamMysterious CodeMysterious Complete Treasure MapNameless CoinNannerl's BottleNectarwineNectarwine RecipeNew Year Theater PhotoNew Year Theater PhotoNoctemintNovaNuvola PastaNuvola Pasta RecipeObscure RecipeOld BookletOld CompassOld SketchOperation FundOrange EspressoOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOriginite Weapon Supply ChestOscillated CoralPalace LanternPalm Tree LogPassion of VengeancePassion TabletsPassion Tablets RecipePastures Like Old TimesPavo PlumPavo PlumPavo Plum SamplePeach BlossomPearl LeafPecok FlowerPeculiar Blake BloomPequod Blueprint: AdvancedPequod Blueprint: BasicPerfect Curtain CallPerfect Curtain CallPerillaPerilla SaladPerilla Salad RecipePhantom: DreamlessPhantom: Impermanence HeronPhantom: LoreleiPhilosophical NotesPhoebe's WavebandPhoenix ButterflyPhoto of the Snow CranePhoto: Shu Yun in the MinePhoto: Shu Yun in the PortPhoto: Shuyun in the RefineryPilgrim Captain's SealPioneer Association Advanced SupplyPioneer Association Basic SupplyPioneer Association Medium SupplyPioneer Association Premium SupplyPioneer Association Sigil SupplyPioneer Captain's SealPioneer Podcast Weapon ChestPioneer's Special Bounty IPioneer's Special Bounty IIPioneer's Special Bounty IIIPioneer's Special Bounty IVPioneer's Special Bounty VPioneer's Special Bounty VIPioneer's Special Bounty VIIPizza ClassicaPizza Classica RecipePizza TropicalePizza Tropicale RecipePlatinum CorePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlease contact our Customer Service for assistancePlumpcakePlumpcake RecipePlunderer Captain's SealPlushie Village Restoration Log: FinalPlushie Village Restoration Log: IPlushie Village Restoration Log: IIPlushie Village Restoration Log: IIIPlushies' PhotoPoached ChickenPoached Chicken RecipePodcast ExperiencePoetry and Paean Weapon ChestPolarized Metallic DripPopularityPorto-Veno's BadgePotion No. 5Potion No.5 RecipePower System NotesPremium Enclosure TankPremium Enclosure TankPremium Energy BagPremium Energy Bag RecipePremium Energy CorePremium Gold Incense OilPremium Incense OilPremium Nutrient BlockPremium Nutrient Block FormulaPremium Resonance PotionPremium Revival InhalerPremium Revival Inhaler RecipePremium Sealed TubePremium TunerPreparation CreditsPresto HelixPrimitive tide stoneProphet's MessagePurchase Connoisseur ChannelPurity StrengthQingru's RewardQiongxue's Original ManuscriptQuality Adventurer's Starter PackRadiant TideRage Tacet CoreRagunna EspressoRagunna Espresso RecipeRangers' Series Weapon Supply ChestRation BarRaw MeatReactive Metallic DripRecipe: Lotus PastryRecipe: Spicy Meat with Pavo PlumsRecord FragmentRecorderRecordsRed Feather ButterflyRefined PhlogistonRefreshment TeaRefreshment Tea RecipeRefuge of the SurvivorsRemaining KeyRendezvous in the MountainsRescue Team BadgeResonant CalciteResonator ExperienceRestored Wooden PlaqueReveler Captain's SealReveler Captain's SealRevival Elixir CombinationReyes Treasure Map FragmentRiccioli Fishery CoinRiccioli Salt Baked FishRiccioli Salt Baked Fish RecipeRiceRinascita Commemorative StampRinascita Fishing GuidebookRinascita Fishing Guidebook: Chapter OneRinascita Fishing Guidebook: Chapter ThreeRinascita Fishing Guidebook: Chapter TwoRipples of Serene DreamsRising LoongRising Loong RecipeRoaring Rock FistRobot Battery PackRobot EngineRobot Spare PartsRoccia's Gift: LuceaniteRoccia's WavebandRomance in Farewell Crafting RecipeRover's WavebandRover's WavebandRowing Towards FirmamentRusted Data CardRusty Data ChipRusty Iron CaseSage's EXP SupportSage's Solvent AidSage's Tube SupportSaltSalted Milk TeaSalted Milk Tea RecipeSandwormSanhua's WavebandSanqing TeaSave Me From the Tides of MundanitySaving LightSaving LightScarletthornScattered Petalsscavenger hunt noteScenic PhotoSea Bunny MeatSea FlytrapSeaside Arena Access CardSeaside CendrelisSeed of PuritySentinel's DaggerSerenade Carried by the WavesSerenity of Xiehua VillageSermon Lost Flagsettlement tagEcho blind boxSheet Music FragmentShell CreditShuyun Herbal TeaShuyun Herbal Tea RecipeSierra Gale & Freezing FrostSilence's TreasureSilky ReveriesSilver LotusSilver-Banded LizardSincerity Beneath the MaskSingle Revival AgentSkyshakerSkyshakerSmall DeviceSmoked PigeonSoil SampleSolitary Boat on a Long VoyageSonance CasketSonance Casket: RagunnaSonar CircuitSong of KU-RoroSong of the FoolsSound catcherSound Emulator Repair ToolSound-Keeping Tacet CoreSoundproof DeviceSpecial DewvetchSpecial Every Flavor Bell-less CrabSpecial Operation Diary D12547Special WaterlampSpectro Eroded CoinSpectro PetrolSpectro Petrol RecipeSpectro Resistance SpraySpectro Resistance Spray RecipeSpectro-resistant SpraySpicy Meat SlicesSpicy Meat Slices RecipeSpicy Meat with Pavo PlumsSpicy Pulled ChickenSpicy Pulled ChickenSpicy Pulled Chicken RecipeSpring in Full SwingSpring PastryStake of ImbalanceStandard Weapon MoldStar FlakesStar Flakes RecipeStar-shaped CoreStardustSteak MargheritaSteak Margherita RecipeStellar Matrix's CoreStories of GuqinStrange MessagesStrangely Shaped KeyStrife Tacet CoreString SolventString Solvent RecipeStrong Fluid CatalystStrong Fluid StabilizerStudy on Mythical Beasts in HuanglongStuffed FlatbreadStuffed Flatbread RecipeStuffed TofuStuffed Tofu RecipeSugarSugar PearlSugar PearlSundialSundialSunflare EverlastingSupersonic SolventSupersonic Solvent RecipeSurvey PointsSurvival codeSuspicious Audio Sound MaterialSweet & Sour PorkSweet & Sour Pork RecipeSweet and Sour SauceSweet Stuffed FlatbreadSword AcorusSword of AtrocitySword of CowardiceSword of GreedSword of IgnoranceSword of VanityTacet Field Geological DataTacetite oreTailored RingTaoqi's WavebandTattered PhotosTattered PhotosTeaTemporary Team PhotoTemporary Team PhotoTerraspawn Fungustest/Golden Universal Echotest/Leaftest/Universal EchoThawing FatesThawing FatesThawing FatesThawing FatesThe Ambition that Lies HiddenThe Ambition that Lies HiddenThe Art of PrecisionThe Blood Pact that Corrupts to the CoreThe Day of Final RestThe End of a WorldThe Flames That ThriveThe Forgotten Blake BloomThe gem on the necklace.The Gospel that Receives Harmonized PraiseThe Idyllic RefugeThe lost weaponThe Midnight ElegyThe Netherworld's StareThe Nimbus ChoraleThe Nimbus Chorale: Crystal SkyThe Nimbus Chorale: Glory to HumanityThe Nimbus Chorale: Order of NatureThe Nimbus Chorale: Soil of AbundanceThe PresentThe Revelry that Unveils MysteriesThe Sails that Display EndeavorThe Second Coming of Solaris in-game redemption code.The Second Coming of Solaris in-game redemption code.The Shorekeeper's WavebandThe singing section of the Song of the Empty DawnThe Unlocked SundialThe Unworthy DreamsThief's TalonThundering Tacet CoreTide NoteTidebreaking Courage & Eternal RadianceTime Footnote: IXTime Footnote: XTime Footnote: XITime Footnote: XIITime Footnote: XIIITime Is MoneyTitanium MackerelTofuTopological ConfinementTorn pages from Averardo VaultTorn pages from Central PlainsTorn pages from Desorock HighlandTorn pages from Egla TownTorn pages from Gorges of SpiritsTorn pages from Nimbus SanctumTorn pages from Penitent's EndTorn pages from Port City of GuixuTorn pages from Ragunna CityTorn pages from the Fagaceae PeninsulaTorn pages from the Hallowed ReachTorn pages from Thessaleo FellsTrace ScaleTrainer SolventTrainer Solvent RecipeTraveler's EXP AidTraveler's Tube AidTreasure Map to Sword of CourageTrial CoinTriple-Scoop Ice CreamTriple-Scoop RecipeTroupe StrengthTroupe Strength RecipeUltrasonic Pulse ChipUltrasonic Pulse ChipUmbragricusUnborn EchoesUnending DestructionUnfettered Dove through Day and NightUnion EXPUniversal CompassUniversal repair boxUnsent Electronic CommunicationUntitled Family LettersValor of TidebreakerVast Lush GroundsVault's Forging CollectionVault's Radiant Collection IVault's Radiant Collection IIVault's Radiant Collection IIIVault's Tide CollectionVault's Tide SelectionVege OmeletteVerina's WavebandVigor TabletsVigor Tablets RecipeVinegarViolaViolet CoralViscum BerryVitality DrinkVoid Thunder & Molten RiftVortexVoucher of Reciprocal TidesWaking of a WorldWaking of a WorldWaking of a WorldWaking of a WorldWaltz in Masquerade Crafting RecipeWater Quality SampleWaterlampWave-Cutting ToothWaveplateWaveplate CrystalWaves Sing GoodnightWaveworn Residue 210Waveworn Residue 226Waveworn Residue 235Waveworn Residue 239WaypointWaypoint ModuleWaypoint Module Synthesis RecipeWhen Night Rests on the CliffsWhen the Camellia BleedsWhere Oracles Are No Longer HeardWhere Wind WhispersWilderness Wandererwind tagEcho blind boxWind-kissed HavenWindchimerWine-Brewed Octopus ClamWine-Brewed Octopus Clam RecipeWintry BellWishWonder Bubble in the Port of RiccioliWonder Bubble of Helm VillageWonder Bubble of the Reyes RuinsWonder Bubble of the Serene BayWood for making a Plum Blossom PoleWood-textured ShardWooden Plaque: LeftWooden Plaque: RightWooden training swordWorn-out BoxWreath of HopeWrecked and StrandedWuthercakeWuthercake RecipeXi Ling Tea RecipeXiangli Yao's WavebandYangyang's WavebandYellowed SketchYesterday in JinzhouYinlin's WavebandYouhu's WavebandYuanwu's WavebandYuezhou Spicy Meat NoodlesZhezhi's WavebandZoom Camera拐tagEcho blind box