[Although Colors Have No Form] Featured Co-op Challenge Event


Beside a mysterious morph painting, you find a painter named Claudia, trapped in her nightmares.



2025-01-09 10:00 - 2025-01-30 03:59 (server time)


Astrite x600, Forgery Premium Supply x8, Premium Enclosure Tank x12, Malleable Elite Class Echo III x1, Malleable Elite Class Echo IV x1, Premium Tuner x100, Forgery Advanced Supply x24, Advanced Enclosure Tank x36, Shell Credit x440000 and other Materials.


Reach Union Level 22, unlock Co-op mode, and unlock the Resonance Nexus in Ragunna City during Main Quest "The Sacred Breeze So Often Breathes."

✦Event Details✦

  • Claudia asks you to investigate the world within the painting and gives you a protective talisman. Within the painted world, the talisman transforms into various Echoes to assist you.

  • Clear all enemies in the investigation area to advance. The Echoes transformed by the talisman will boost your Resonators' power as you progress.

  • Clearing enemies before the countdown ends earns extra points. Reach the required stage points for Stage Rewards and the required total points for Point Rewards.

  • The Match feature is available for all challenges, allowing you to team up with other players.

※Only specified Echoes can be equipped in this event. Your current main Echo Skill will be replaced, but activated Sonatas will remain effective.

Articles: 481