[Beyond the Waves] Featured Exploration Event


To encourage the Pioneers to further share their Jinzhou explorations, Lollo Logistics has partnered with the Pioneer Association to proudly present the campaign: Beyond the Waves!
Participate and upload your exploration record at the Lollo courier truck to get various rewards!

2024-11-21 10:00 - 2024-12-05 03:59 (server time)
Astrite x400, Lustrous Tide x5, Forgery Premium Supply x12, Premium Tuner x90, Crystal Solvent x6, Shell Credit x210,000 and other development materials.
Reach Union Level 14.
- During the event, you can complete event objectives once per day to obtain a set number of Adventure Logs. Each Adventure Log can be exchanged for an Adventure Package.
- Adventure Packages contain special mechanics that, when triggered, unlock a large amount of rewards.
- There are 3 Inventories for the Adventure Packages. Once you collect all deliveries in an Inventory, the next Inventory will be unlocked.

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