Camellya Guide – Early Analysis

Early Camellya analysis for Wuthering Waves: skills, mechanics, possible synergies, pulling advice and more.

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Rarity: ⭐⭐
Element: Havoc
Weapon: Sword

Early Overview

Releasing as the first half of patch 1.4’s main highlight, Camellya is a 5★ sword user of the Havoc element, and the first character of said element to be added into the game since launch.

Let’s not pretend that Camellya needs any serious introduction. She appears in the fifth act of the first story chapter and is immediately introduced as a member of the Black Shores, one that is on the more... chaotic side of the personality spectrum. Plus, by now everyone has seen that cutscene.

With that out of the way, we can talk about her main gimmicks, of which she has two.

The first one, and the one that’s far less complicated, is that her damage profile is almost exclusively Basic Attack DMG. In fact, she is the only character to date to not feature Resonance Skill DMG in her kit at all.

The other is the two states Camellya can enter: Budding Mode (Forte) and Blossom Mode (Resonance Skill), with it being possible for both to be simultaneously active. To grossly oversimplify, they let Camellya deal more damage after her initial ramp-up period upon being swapped in, with Budding Mode also acting as a clear-cut burst window for her.

As for her other minor quirks, her Forte is the first one that directly manipulates base Resonance Energy regeneration rate and uses Concerto Energy for something else than just Outro skills, the latter in a way mirroring Jinhsi’s quirk of being able to cast her Outro without consuming Concerto.

One more thing to specifically mention is her 6th Resonance Chain node, covered in more detail below. Personal bias aside, locking big mechanical upgrades to a character's kit behind several copies of that character creates a dangerous precedent. Kuro Games is no stranger to doing so in their previous game, Punishing: Gray Raven, but in that game, reaching those milestones was a lot more affordable than it is in Wuthering Waves at the end of the day. Let’s hope this doesn’t come back to bite either the devs or the players later.

Camellya has a lot of hype going for her, captivating players with her design, wild personality, and the overall mystery of her character, as she’s refused to appear in the story since her initial tease. It remains to be seen very soon if her combat performance matches the intensity of her red flags.


Camellya’s Resonance Skill and Forte Circuit mark yet another chapter in Kuro Games’ epic of overly confusing skill descriptions.

Basic Attacks

Camellya can perform five consecutive attacks in quick succession, dealing Havoc damage and generating Crimson Pistills as part of her Forte. More on those later.

As is the case with most characters, her heavy attack consumes stamina to deliver a stronger Havoc damage attack. Interestingly, its actual damage type (not element!) depends on whether Camellya has her Inherent Skill Seedbed unlocked.

After casting either her Heavy Attack or Basic Attack 3, holding down the attack button will have Camellya spin, continuously attacking the target enemy up to twenty times, with the final attack in the chain automatically following after. If you’ve played the original God of War games, think of the Cyclone of Chaos move there.

Aside from that, Camellya has access to the plunge attack and Dodge Counter moves like any other character.

Resonance Skill

Camellya deals Havoc damage, considered as Basic Attack DMG, to the target enemy and enters Blossom Mode. This portion of the skill is usable both on the ground and mid-air.

During Blossom Mode, several things happen. Firstly, Camellya gets suspended in the air by her vines and becomes immobile. She can still dodge and counter attacks, but normal movement is out of the question. Secondly, her entire moveset is replaced with a new one, but functionally the biggest difference is losing one attack in her Basic Attack chain, down to just four, and replacing her jump with another attack. Those new attacks also take their base damage multipliers from her Resonance Skill node rather than Basic Attack.

Finally, during Blossom Mode Camellya constantly loses stamina at a flat rate to keep herself suspended by the vines, with each attack causing an additional drain tick.

Blossom Mode comes to an end after Camellya either casts her replaced Resonance Skill, attempts to jump or runs out of stamina.

Forte Circuit

Crimson Pistils and Crimson Buds

Camellya can hold up to 100 Crimson Pistills, which she recovers by casting either her Intro or Forte skill Ephemeral, both restoring them to full capacity.

Hitting the enemies with either of her basic attacks or either of her Resonance Skills consumes the Pistils, granting the attack in question increased base energy regen rate. Every time Camellya consumes 10 Pistils, she restores 4 Concerto Energy and obtains a Crimson Bud lasting 15 seconds, with up to 10 of them active at a time.

Ephemeral and Budding Mode

After filling her Concerto energy to full, Camellya’s Resonance Skill gets replaced by another skill, Ephemeral, which has its own 25 second cooldown. Casting it has Camellya deal Havoc damage around her, consume all (if any) Crimson Buds and enter Budding Mode.

While within Budding Mode, Camellya increases the base damage multipliers of her non-Liberation attacks by 50%, further increased by up to another 50% depending on the amount of Crimson Buds consumed when casting Ephemeral. To offset this, Camellya is unable to gain Resonance Energy or additional Crimson Buds during Budding Mode.

Budding Mode will end once either 15 seconds have elapsed, Camellya runs out of Crimson Pistils or leaves the field.


Once Camellya reaches Resonance 6, she gains access to the Perennial skill, which acts as an extension to Ephemeral.

Within 15 seconds of casting Ephemeral, if Camellya’s Forte bar is full again, her Resonance Skill is replaced by Perennial, again with a 25 second cooldown that’s separate from Ephemeral’s. Upon casting it, Camellya consumes 50 Concerto, recovers 50 Crimson Pistils, deals damage equal to that of Ephemeral (considered Basic Attack DMG), and enters Budding Mode once more.

All standard rules of Budding Mode apply when entering it via Perennial, but the bonus to her base damage multipliers is now increased to 250%.

Resonance Liberation

Camellya feeds the flower embedded in her chest with Resonance Energy, causing it to rapidly bloom and violently explode, dealing Havoc damage to all enemies around her. Thankfully, the only extra gimmick here is the ability to cast her Liberation mid-air.

Intro and Outro

Camellya’s Intro has her appear next to an enemy within a perianth which explodes after a short delay, dealing Havoc damage as a vine pulls her upwards into the air.

On Outro, Camellya delivers a single attack to an enemy, dealing Havoc damage that is further increased if she has previously used Ephemeral.

Inherent Skills

Camellya’s first Inherent Skill, Seedbed, grants her a passive 15% Havoc DMG Bonus and permanently changes her heavy attack’s damage type to Basic Attack DMG.

Her second skill, Epiphyte, grants her yet another passive 15% Havoc DMG Bonus and increases her stagger resistance while casting her basic attacks.

Resonance Chain

Sequence 1After casting her Intro skill, Camellya’s Crit DMG increases by 28% for 18 seconds, once every 25 seconds. Additionally, Camellya gains immunity to stagger while casting Ephemeral.
Sequence 2The base damage multiplier of Ephemeral multiplicatively increases by 120%.
Sequence 3The base damage multiplier of Camellya’s Resonance Liberation multiplicatively increases by 50%. Additionally, Camellya gains 50% ATK Bonus while within the Budding Mode state.
Sequence 4Casting Camellya’s Intro skill grants the entire team 25% Basic Attack DMG Bonus for 30 seconds.
Sequence 5The base damage multiplier of Camellya’s Outro skill multiplicatively increases by 303%. The base damage multiplier of Camellya’s Intro skill multiplicatively increases by 68%.
Sequence 6The base damage multiplier of Sweet Dream move multiplicatively increases by 150%. Additionally, Camellya gains access to the Perennial skill and becomes immune to stagger while casting it.

Possible synergies

Verina, Shorekeeper and Baizhi
There are only so many ways to say “dealing damage is good, dealing more damage is better”. All three premier supports will boost Camellya’s damage output in slightly different ways when put in the same team together with her.
• 15% Team-wide All DMG Amplify
• Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone OR Fallacy of No Return
• 20% Team-wide ATK Bonus
• 5%~12.5% Team-wide Crit Rate Bonus
• 10%~25% Team-wide Crit DMG Bonus
• Stagger breakout
• 15% Team-wide ATK Bonus
• 12% Glacio DMG Bonus (Resonance 6)
Although not providing Camellya with anything worthwhile in the raw damage department, what Jianxin does instead is cover her weaker aspects by providing a wide-range enemy pull and massive shields that help Camellya stay in the fight.
• Gather
• Shields
• 38% Resonance Liberation DMG Amplify
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron OR Rejuvenating Glow with Originite: Type IV

With almost the entirety of Camellya’s damage counting as Basic Attack DMG, it should come as no surprise that Sanhua’s Outro is a very desirable buff for her overall damage output; a buff that Sanhua is able to provide on a very quick cycle.
• 38% Basic ATK DMG Amplify
• 10%~30% Teamwide ATK Bonus (Resonance 6)
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
Realistically speaking, Danjin is a straight downgrade from Sanhua as far as Camellya is concerned, providing a weaker damage bonus on her Outro with a longer ability cycle. But, if for whatever reason you prefer using her over Sanhua, Danjin is still able to substantially buff Camellya’s overall damage output via her Havoc DMG Amplify effect while dealing solid damage herself.
• 23% Havoc DMG Amplify
• 20% Team-wide ATK Bonus (Resonance 6)
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron

Should you pull?

First and foremost: if Camellya is a character you will enjoy playing or is your waifu, then don't let this stop you from pulling her. At the end of the day, it’s your account. Note that we will be using information provided by the latest beta test and this information is subject to change.

  • You like Camellya’s design and her promotional material left you with a positive impression
  • She’s managed to captivate you during during her (limited) story presence
  • You are in need of a Havoc element damage dealer and Rover (Havoc) (Male) just doesn’t cut it
  • You like to spin to win
  • “Fuck it, we ball”
  • You missed Yinlin and/or Xiangli Yao and are saving for their rerun
  • You’re a Danjin enthusiast and she’s all you need within the Havoc element
  • You don’t like characters with a chaotic personality

Regardless of your decision, always remember to spend responsibly and to never use “building pity” as an excuse for gambling.


Hi, hello. I am a caffeine addict primarily doing math and overexplaining game mechanics, probably bullying Dark Souls bosses for the millionth time right about now.

Articles: 19