Wuthering Waves Encore Build Guide

Encore Guide – Builds, Teams, and How to Play

Best Encore guide for Wuthering Waves: Builds, skill priority, rotations, best weapons, echo sets, stats, team comps, and more.

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  • Rarity: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
  • Element: Fusion
  • Weapon: Rectifier
  • Role: Main DPS / Sub DPS


Encore is a character that can switch between ranged attacks and melee via her Ultimate. Encore can be simple to play but hard to master due to her possible animation cancels and quick swap play styles if damage optimization is in mind.

Her Forte Circuit and Skill have long enough animations in which the player can switch to another character and activate skills to deal extra damage or buff her, then switch back to Encore again to proceed with her rotation.

Her damage is able to rival top tier DPS’s, be flexible in multiple teams, and can fit 2 character archetypes, which are Main DPS and Sub DPS.

  • Encore has varied playstyles, which can vary from easy or hard. With these playstyles still able to deal great damage, choose your poison!
  • Her damage is easily able to contend with the top tiers as of patch 1.0
  • Can fit Main DPS and sub DPS archetype
  • Can be clunky to play without proper knowledge of playing her as damaging skills animation lock her (Unable to do other actions)
  • Menace


  • Main DPS: S
  • Sub-DPS: B
  • Support: N/A

Animation Cancels

In ranged form, Encore’s Basic Attack 5 has a long animation. This can and should be canceled by performing a dash or skill.

Out of those options, we highly recommend dash canceling to keep yourself mobile. A good indicator of when you can perform the animation cancel is the white circle that appears around Encore. 

Skill canceling can be considered if you have a DPS window or can perform a skill swap. 
With Cosmos Rave active, the Basic Attack shortens to 4 attacks, and animation cancels should be done on the 4th Basic Attack.

Most of what was mentioned previously still applies here, but plunge cancels aren’t used since Encore can now parry attacks normally.

The indicator is no longer a white circle but a giant Woolie that appears above the enemy.  

Skill Swapping

Encore’s most common Skill Swap is during Flaming Woolies. You can swap out to another character and return to Encore for Energetic Welcome.

Note that you will want to take note of the Concerto Energy of the character you are switching into. Swapping out while they have a full Concerto Bar will force Encore to cast Intro Skill. Doing so will lose a cast of Energetic Welcome. 

Another major swap is Inferno Rider’s 3rd hit. This cast takes a long time and allows you to swap into another character. 
Cosmos: Rupture is a long animation that happens during the end of Encore’s combos. This should be skill swapped, as it leaves you unable to react to any incoming attacks

Encore Rotations

Disclaimer: The rotations listed here do not take into consideration what happens if you are attacked. If you have to dodge or parry mid rotation, you will have to adjust accordingly.

Cosmos Rave Combo

  • Resonance Liberation (Ultimate)
  • Basic Attack 1 - 4
  • Skill: Cosmos Rampage (Animation Cancel Basic Attack 4)
  • Basic Attack 1 - 4
  • Dash Cancel Basic Attack 4
  • Basic Attack 1 - 4
  • Skill: Cosmos Rampage (Animation Cancel Basic Attack 4)
  • Cosmos:Rupture (Skill Swap with Outro)

This rotation loses 1 usage of Cosmos Rampage BUT can fit in a full basic attack chain. This will usually result in more overall damage since you will want a lot of Basic ATK DMG%. 

Full Rotation

Rotations should always be taken with a grain of salt. Enemies are NOT sandbags and WILL ATTACK YOU. Several factors such as Parry, Dodge Counters, and being knocked back will affect how you approach the rest of your rotation.

Rotation with both Opener and Follow-up

Sample Opener Team Rotation with Verina and Sanhua

  • Encore Skill: Flaming Woolies (Skill Swap to Verina during Flaming Woolies)
  • Verina: Skill (Cancel with Echo Skill) 
  • Verina: Bell-Borne Geochelone (Jump Cancel)
  • Verina: Mid-air attack
  • Encore Skill: Energetic Welcome
  • Encore: Inferno Rider (Swap to Sanhua during 3rd hit of Inferno Rider)
  • Sanhua: Skill
  • Sanhua: Heavy (Skill Swap to Encore)
  • Resonance Liberation (Ultimate)
  • Ult Basic x4
  • Skill: Cosmos Rampage (Animation Cancel Basic Attack 4)
  • Ult Basic x4 (Dash Cancel Basic Attack 4
  • Ult Basic x4
  • Skill: Cosmos Rampage (Animation Cancel Basic Attack 4)
  • Cosmos:Rupture (Skill Swap with Outro)

This is a quick opener made to quickly fit in buffs like Bell and Rejuvenating Glow 5pc to your rotation. 

There is an alternative rotation that allows you to fit both Sanhua and Verina’s cancels within 1 cast of Flaming Woolies. Both rotations are valid and have their benefits. Swapping to Sanhua or Verina during Inferno Rider allows you to dodge without canceling Inferno Rider. 

After opener/Follow-up rotations with Verina and Sanhua

  • Cosmos: Rupture (From previous rotation/opener)
  • Sanhua: Resonance Liberation
  • Sanhua: Heavy
  • Sanhua: Heavy (Cancel with Impermanence Heron)
  • Sanhua: Impermanence Heron (Switch to Encore)
  • Encore Skill: Flaming Woolies
  • Verina Skill: (Cancel with Echo Skill)
  • Verina: Bell-Borne Geochelone (Switch to Encorel)
  • Encore Skill: Energetic Welcome (Switch to Verina)
  • Verina: Build up energy for Outro (Mid-air attacks or Ultimate)
  • Verina: Outro to Sanhua 
  • Optional: If you do not have enough Concerto Energy on Sanhua cast Skill
  • Sanhua: Outro to Encore
  • Encore:Inferno Rider 
  • Optional: If you do not have enough energy for your Resonance Liberation cast Skill: Flaming Woolies
  • Encore Resonance Liberation: Cosmos Rave
  • Do Cosmos Rave combo

This rotation should allow you to loop back Encore’s Ultimate with around 10 to 20% ER from sub-stats. Depending on Sanhua or Verina’s ER, you may not have their Ultimate ready for every rotation. 

Parry Windows

Disclaimer: This is a work-in-progress section and will be updated as we learn more.

During Encore’s ranged form, Parrying IS POSSIBLE but inconsistent and unrealistic to pull off. If you insist on parrying during ranged form or need to improvise, her plunge attack is the most consistent way of doing so. 
With Resonance Liberation activated, Encore can now parry like any other melee character. It is unclear whether Basic 4 can parry, but it shouldn't be a problem, since you want to animation cancel out of this attack.

Skill Priority

  1. Resonance Liberation
  2. Resonance Skill
  3. Forte Circuit
  4. Intro Skill
  5. Basic Attack

With a hyper carry Encore, your main priority should be your Resonance Liberation, as that is the majority of your damage.

Character Synergies

Verina synergizes well with all main/sub-dps characters, and Encore is no exception. She provides a team-wide All DMG Deepen and ATK buff. On top of this, Verina’s combos are short and do not take up a lot of field time. 

Additionally, Verina has no problems running Rejuvenating Glow and Bell, offering the team a good mix of offensive and defensive utility. 
15% Team-wide All DMG Deepen
20% Team-wide ATK buff
Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone

With a large chunk of Encore’s damage coming from Basic Attacks, Sanhua’s Outro makes for a strong pairing. Sanhua also has low field time and can quickly be swapped in while Encore is casting Flaming Woolies or Inferno Rider. R6 is an important breakpoint that provides an additional 20% team-wide ATK buff.
38% Basic ATK DMG Deepen
10% Teamwide ATK Buff stacks up to 3 times (R6)
Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron

Rover (Havoc) (Male)
The introduction of Rover (Havoc) has allowed Quick Swap teams to see a rise in usage. Both Encore and Rover (Havoc) have hard-hitting skills that can be quickly cycled through each other’s cooldowns.

If all your skills are already on cooldown, you can spend that downtime on Encore’s ultimate.
List of skills that you can quickly swap between
Rover (Havoc)
-Resonance Skill
-Resonance Liberation
-Resonance Skill
-Inferno Rider 3rd hit 
-Charge ATK

Baizhi is usually left as an alternative/backup pick, sharing similar buffs with Verina. Baizhi’s Outro only buffs the character currently on-field. Additionally, the ATK buff is NOT teamwide and requires your main-dps to interact with an item.
15% All DMG Deepen
15% ATK buff
Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone

Provides a source of off-field damage and Heavy ATK DMG Deepen. Not a great option as a buffer for Encore until R6.
38% Heavy ATK DMG Deepen
20% Teamwide ATK Buff(R6)
Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron

Mostly brought into stages that have enemies you want to gather. While this may sound underwhelming, there are stages in ToA that have multiple enemies in the same wave.

She has the option of using Originite: Type IV for easy access to Rejuvenating Glow set effect at the cost of her own damage. 
Rejuvenating Glow with Originite: Type IV and Bell-Borne Geochelone

Similar to Jianxin, but her CC potential is worse than Jianxin. She does have the added benefit of providing Energy Regen to the team, but Encore should not have any problems generating energy.
Energy Regen 

Team Examples

Hyper Carry

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Quick Swap

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F2P Team

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Yinlin's Signature weapon Stringmaster, is by far Encore's best-in-slot, boasting an unhealthy amount of Crit Rate alongside an ATK% and DMG% boost. Additionally, when skill-swapping during Inferno Rider, Flaming Woolies, or Cosmos Rupture, Stringmaster's secondary effect will be active.

While Cosmic Ripples is no longer Encore’s best weapon, it is still a solid choice providing Energy Regen and Basic ATK DMG%, boosting her main source of damage. Augment is another standout option, which eases up on the CR/CD ratio.

Weapon NameComparisonNotes
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R0: 113.59%A universally strong weapon that increases all Elemental damage, Crit Rate and ATK. The off-field bonus isn’t very helpful unless you cast Outro often. 
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R0: 100.00%Basic ATK DMG% is always great, as Encore’s main source of damage.
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R0: 85.83%Provides a hefty ATK buff and has Crit Rate
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R0: 82.50%About on par with Augment at R0 but with more dupes Jinzhou Keeper loses a lot of value. 
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R5: 74.09%Budget alternative 


Molten Rift: The clear winner when you are going for a main-dps Encore. Provides a hefty Fusion DMG% buff for 15 seconds after using a skill. With Encore’s playstyle requiring you to weave in your skills mid-rotation, you should have no problems keeping uptime on its buff.

Lingering Tunes: Another set you can consider if you have better substats on your Echoes. If you are running a Sub DPS Encore, the 5pc effect buffs Outro DMG, which deals a decent chunk of damage.

Set EffectComparisonNotes
Molten Rift 5pc100%This should be your goto set as it provides a hefty Fusion DMG% buff.  
Lingering Tunes 5pc82% A decent alternative if you have better sub-stats. 
Molten Rift/Lingering Tunes 2pc+2pc84%This set combination should be treated as a transition set rather than something to be used in the endgame. 

Active Echo Recommendation

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Molten Rift - Inferno Rider: Synergizes well with Encore’s playstyle by providing her a Fusion DMG and Basic ATK DMG buff. You can switch to another character during its 3rd hit. This animation cancel can be important to deal more damage or avoid attacks while the 3rd attack is being cast.

Lingering Tunes - Mech Abomination: The only notable effects this Echo has on Encore are its ATK buff and fast animation. Encore cannot take full advantage of the damage dealt by this Echo, as it scales with Electro DMG.

Mainstat and Substats

4Crit Rate/Crit DMG
3Fusion Bonus Damage%
3Fusion Bonus Damage%
Sub Stat Priority
Crit Rate = Crit DMG > ATK% = Energy Regen (Until 10 to 20% ER) > Basic ATK DMG% > ATK
Follow Ratio of 1:2 for Crit Rate/Crit DMG, Energy Regen should be considered if you want a smoother rotation.

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