1. Account Binding
Before using Wuwa Bot, you must link your account to the server. Use the command /bind to initiate account linking and click the provided link to access the account linking interface and complete the login process:
a) Log in to KURO GAMES Passport
b) Log in to Discord
Once logged in, the page will detect your status. Click the "Link Account" button to complete the process.
2. Start Using Wuwa Bot
Wuwa Bot offers 7 commands. After successfully linking your account with the /bind command, you can access various features.

Welcome players to start using Wuwa Bot, where you can view all available commands and general functional descriptions.

Create a character profile based on your selected character

1. The system language for Wuwa Bot matches your Discord language settings. To change the bot's interaction language, adjust your Discord language settings.
2. To switch the language for generated character profiles, use the /language command.

Use this command to unlink your account if needed.

Access a tutorial for using Wuwa Bot, with a link to detailed user guides.

Obtain the invitation link for Wuwa Bot and add it to other servers.

If you have any suggestions or encounter issues while using Wuwa Bot, please contact Discord's official customer service or moderators for assistance.