Wuthering Waves Yangyang Build Guide

Yangyang Guide – Builds, Teams, and How to Play

Best Yangyang guide for Wuthering Waves: Builds, skill priority, rotations, best weapons, echo sets, stats, team comps, and more.

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Yangyang is a melee hybrid character that combines both sub-DPS and support qualities into one utility-focused package, specialising in gathering enemies and providing extra Resonance energy on Outro. Her supporting capabilities can be further enhanced by equipping her with the Moonlit Clouds Echo set. Yangyang’s playstyle revolves around pulling in enemies and quickly charging her Forte skill through her Intro, Resonance Skill and Basic/Heavy Attacks before unleashing it in a Judgement Cut-esque fashion via mid-air heavy attack.

Yangyang Concerto

Unfortunately, Yangyang missed the memo from both her Devil May Cry and Punishing: Gray Raven role models and forgot to bring damage-dealing capabilities with her, making her viability in the role of a sub-DPS questionable and forcing her to lean more into a supporting role in the team. Nevertheless, a character’s worth should never be judged by big numbers (or lack thereof) alone and with enough motivation, Yangyang can find a spot in any team that can make use of her talents, even without raw damage numbers to go with them.

  • Offers enemy gather on both her Resonance Skill and Resonance Liberation
  • Provides Resonance energy on Outro for the next switched-in character
  • Free!
  • Low damage output even for her rarity without all of her Resonance Chain nodes and/or outside sources of damage amplification
  • Lacks flexibility in her Echo choices more than most other characters

Yangyang Rotations

Rotation should always be taken with a grain of salt. Enemies are NOT sandbags and WILL ATTACK YOU.

Several factors such as Parries, Dodge Counters, and being knocked back will affect how you approach the rest of your rotation.

Sub-DPS / Support Switch-in

This is Yangyang’s primary rotation. It focuses on quickly filling both her Forte and Concerto gauges in order to spend as little time on the field as possible while still providing full value from her kit.

• Intro Skill
• Plunge Attack
• Resonance Liberation
• Skill: Zephyr Domain
• Heavy Attack
• Heavy Attack: Zephyr Song
• Heavy Attack
• Heavy Attack: Stormy Strike
• Forte: Feather Release
• Echo - use it to cancel Feather Release’s final slash; can itself be switch cancelled
• Outro Skill

Note: In case Yangyang is using Bell-Borne Geochelone instead of Impermanence Heron, the timing for the Feather Release cancel remains the same - all that changes is being able to swap characters afterwards marginally faster.

Parry Windows

Disclaimer: This is a work-in-progress section and will be updated as we learn more.

As a melee character, Yangyang can easily parry with all four of her basic attacks, Dodge Counter and plunge attack. Yangyang’s Dodge Counter also counts as a heavy attack and can be immediately comboed into Zephyr Song.

Yangyang’s intro can be used to parry an attack if timed correctly, but attempting to do so deliberately is impractical at best.

Finally, Yangyang’s Forte attack (Feather Release) offers a generous omni-directional parry window.

Despite initial impressions, her Resonance Liberation (Wind Spirals) and Resonance Skill (Zephyr Domain) are both incapable of parrying attacks.

Character Synergies

Due to her being focused around gathering enemies and providing extra Resonance energy regeneration, Yangyang will find herself working well with pretty much any character in the game.

Team Comps

As sub-DPS

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As Support

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Skill Priority

  1. Resonance Liberation
  2. Resonance Skill
  3. Forte Circuit
  4. Basic Attack
  5. Intro Skill

For Yangyang, there is no difference in skill level priority between the roles.


In the sub-DPS role, Yangyang’s primary choice of weapon is the 5-star Sword Emerald of Genesis. Although her rotation leaves her potentially unable to utilise the ATK buff from the active effect to its full potential, it nevertheless provides Yangyang with high base ATK and extra Resonance energy regeneration.

Staying in the theme of offence, our Midnight Ranger can use most 4-star Swords to a varying degree of success. The clear-cut winner here is Commando of Conviction, providing Yangyang with much-needed ATK bonuses, with its only opportunity cost being casting her Intro Skill. Its evil twin brother, Lunar Cutter, is also a viable choice but has the added caveat of the ATK buff decaying as Yangyang stays on the field and overall providing a lesser bonus, albeit untied to any particular condition besides the cooldown period.

Lumingloss, found in the battle pass box, proves to be surprisingly competitive despite boosting only her heavy attacks and Forte. While initially little more than a different flavour of Commando of Conviction, with enough ranks it can overshadow all other 4-star Swords - provided you’re willing to spend money and wait for several patches to max it out.

If none of the above options are available however, Sword of Night is a reasonable stand-in until a better weapon can be acquired.

When Yangyang is used in a support role, she doesn't have much choice and is forced to use Originite: Type II as her weapon - as of writing the guide no other sword provides easy access to the Rejuvenating Glow sonata effect or any other team-wide effect.

Weapon NameComparisonNotes
Emerald of Genesis100%Yangyang’s BiS, offering her high base ATK and extra Energy Regeneration, freeing up space on her Echo substats.
Commando of Conviction81.08%Currently the budget sword, offering a lot of ATK at minimal opportunity cost that is the Intro skill.
Lumingloss79.67%A slightly more premium bonking stick. Boosts Yangyang’s Forte and its setup with no strings attached, and becomes her best offensive option at higher ranks if no 5* sword is available.
Lunar Cutter77.81%Sidegrade to Commando of Conviction, offering a smaller boost in exchange for triggering regardless of Intro Skill usage.
Sword of Night67.97%Reasonable alternative if no other options are available.
Originite: Type II63.05%An overall terrible sword that’s found a niche in enabling usage of the Rejuvenating Glow set with characters lacking any other source of healing in their kit, and should only be used to that end.
Scale: Slasher56.75%Utility-focused sword for speeding up character rotations via extra Concerto and Resonance energy. Mostly wasted on Yangyang outside of edge cases of Echoes possessing superb offensive attribute rolls and no Energy Regeneration.
Sword of Voyager53.17%An easily accessible supportive option, able to plug up Resonance energy deficiencies every twenty seconds if your Yangyang lacks Energy Regen stat on her equipped Echoes. As far as raw combat performance goes, however, it’s very bottom-of-the-barrel and should be swapped out at the earliest convenience.


Because Yangyang’s two best Echo sets are utilitarian in nature, have completely different uses and do not focus on increasing her individual performance, the usual comparison has been omitted this time around. The only major difference between the two for Yangyang is the requirement of an additional Energy Regeneration substat on the Rejuvenating Glow set to meet the energy regen quota.

Set EffectComparisonNotes
Moonlit Clouds 5pN/AYangyang’s primary choice of Echo set, used to buff the main damage dealer of the party on Outro. Given her individually low damage output, it should be considered as her only viable set in the sub-DPS role.
Rejuvenating Glow 5pN/AYangyang’s secondary choice of Echo set, used in the support role in conjunction with Originite: Type II. The set effect will trigger even if no health is actually healed as the condition for it is only for the effect to occur.

Active Echo Recommendation

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Moonlit Clouds: Impermanence Heron - the ideal choice when using Yangyang in the sub-DPS role. While it does nothing to buff Yangyang herself, it doubles down on the buffing aspect of the Moonlit Clouds set, providing more ATK to the next character you’ll be switching her to.

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Rejuvenating Glow: Bell-Borne Geochelone - a universally strong choice of an Echo, and the only 4-Cost option for the Rejuvenating Glow set. It provides a team-wide buff of 10% All-DMG Deepen effect and 50% reduction in damage taken for 15 seconds or until three hits are taken. It does not stack with itself if multiple characters use its effect.

Mainstat and Substats

4Crit Rate/Crit DMG
3Aero Bonus Damage%/Energy Regeneration%
3Aero Bonus Damage%
Sub Stat Priority
Energy Regeneration (until 50%) > Crit Rate = Crit DMG > ATK% > Flat ATK > Resonance Liberation DMG > Resonance Skill DMG > Basic Attack DMG = Heavy Attack DMG
Follow Ratio of 1:2 for Crit Rate/Crit DMG

Hi, hello. I am a caffeine addict primarily doing math and overexplaining game mechanics, probably bullying Dark Souls bosses for the millionth time right about now.

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