Table of Contents

Beginner's Choice Convene unlocks for players after pulling a 5-star character from the Utterance of Marvels - Novice Convene. Players are able to pull from one of the five Beginner's Choice Convene banners for one of the five standard banner characters:
- Encore: Wooly-Counting Game
- Lingyang: Frosty Gusto
- Calcharo: Phantom Hunter
- Verina: Nature Calling
- Jianxin: Cleansing Reflections
If you are lucky, you will pull a standard 5-star character before that. However, it does not count towards pity for other banners. Furthermore, players who start playing have good access to 5-star characters via the beginner banners so if you are rerolling, consider pulling on the other Standard banners (Tidal Chorus for characters or Drawn Edges for weapons) instead.
If you have Verina
Going for a main DPS is not a bad choice since you will need 3 teams for the endgame. At the moment, both Encore and Calcharo are about equal in terms of damage output; it will mainly depend on which playstyle you prefer.
For Encore, she suffers from not having dedicated Fusion support and needing to constantly animation cancel N5 to maximize damage output. If you can consistently pull off her animation cancels, Encore is currently one of the strongest damage dealers. Thankfully, her damage is decent even if you ignore her animation cancels.
As for Calcharo, doing his rotation correctly by weaving your skills and swapping gives him an edge over Encore. If you do his rotation wrong, he takes a huge hit to his damage output. Additionally, Yinlin is an upcoming Electro support who synergizes well with him making Calcharo a better long-term option.
If you don't have Verina
If you do not have Verina, then she should be your main go-to pick. The only other alternative who can act as a healer/support is Baizhi, and she is outclassed by Verina. As for endgame content, it will require 3 teams so having another buffer/healer is always a great choice.
Additionally, Verina’s kit allows her to synergize with all main damage dealers by providing an ATK% and DMG% buff. Overall, Verina is a no-brainer pick for those who do not have her and want the most flexible SSR.
Other choices?
For the remaining picks, feel free to go for them if you like their playstyle or want them. Jianxin is more of a utility character who provides shields and gathers enemies. While Lingyang is another damage dealer with a unique playstyle that swaps between ground and aerial combat. This can cause some issues where Lingyan cannot hit certain enemies.
Should you pick a dupe?
In general, No. Since the endgame/Tower of Adversity needs 3 teams, having a wide variety of Resonators is usually the better option. The only exception is Verina’s Resonance Chain 2, granting an extra Photosynthetic Energy and 10 Concerto Energy after using her Resonance Skill.
Convene Rules
- [Wooly-Counting Game/Frosty Gusto/Phantom Hunter/Nature Calling/Cleansing Reflections] is a [Beginner's Choice Convene] event banner.
- Use Lustrous Tide to Convene. You are guaranteed to obtain at least one Resonator or Weapon of 4-star or higher rarity every 10 attempts.
- You can select one of the 5-star Resonators featured in this event to be your Target Resonator. The 5-star Resonator you get from this event banner is guaranteed to be the Target Resonator.
- You can Convene up to 80 times in the [Beginner's Choice Convene] event banner. The event banner is available until you have obtained a 5-star Resonator, after which it will be closed.
- [Beginner's Choice Convene] has separate Guarantee counts from other Convene event banners.
- You may select one of the following 5-star Resonators to be your Target Resonator: Verina, Encore, Calcharo, Lingyang, Jianxin.
- The base 5-star Resonator drop rate is 0.8%. The average drop rate (including the Guarantee) is 1.8%. You are guaranteed to obtain at least one 5-star Resonator every 80 Convenes.
- The base 4-star Resonator or Weapon drop rate is 6.0%. The average drop rate (including the Guarantee) is 12.0%. You are guaranteed to obtain at least one Resonator or Weapon of 4-star or higher rarity every 10 Convenes.
- The base 3-star Weapon drop rate is 93.2%.
*Please refer to the Wuthering Waves Official Website for more details on the drop rates.
Extra Rewards
- On obtaining a 5-star Resonator for the first time, you will get 15 Afterglow Corals. On obtaining a 5-star Resonator that you already own for the 2nd – 7th time, you will get 1 Waveband of that Resonator and 15 Afterglow Corals. From the 8th time onward, you will get 40 Afterglow Corals.
- On obtaining a 4-star Resonator for the first time, you will get 3 Afterglow Corals. On obtaining a 4-star Resonator that you already own for the 2nd – 7th time, you will get 1 Waveband of that Resonator and 3 Afterglow Corals. From the 8th time onward, you will get & Afterglow Corals.
- Whenever you obtain a 4-star Weapon, you will get 3 Afterglow Corals.
- Whenever you obtain a 3-star Weapon, you will get 15 Oscillate Corals.
- You may redeem up to 2 limited stock Wavebands for each 5-star Resonator with Afterglow Corals.
- You may redeem various items with Oscillate Corals. Please visit the in-game Store page for current options and redemption limits, reset with each version update.
Available Convene Items:
List of Featured Items
5-star Resonators
- Verina
- Encore
- Calcharo
- Lingyang
- Jianxin
4-star Resonators
- Yangyang
- Chixia
- Danjin
- Sanhua
- Mortefi
- Aalto
- Baizhi
- Taoqi
- Yuanwu
4-star Weapons
- Dauntless Evernight
- Commando of Conviction
- Undying Flame
- Amity Accord
- Jinzhou Keeper
- Discord
- Overture
- Cadenza
- Marcato
- Variation
- Helios Cleaver
- Lunar Cutter
- Novaburst
- Hollow Mirage
- Comet Flare
3-star Weapons
- Broadblade of Night
- Sword of Night
- Pistols of Night
- Gauntlets of Night
- Rectifier of Night
- Broadblade of Voyager
- Sword of Voyager
- Pistols of Voyager
- Gauntlets of Voyager
- Rectifier of Voyager
- Originite: Type I
- Originite: Type II
- Originite: Type III
- Originite: Type IV
- Originite: Type V