Camellya Guide – Builds, Teams, and How to Play

Best Camellya guide for Wuthering Waves: Builds, skill priority, rotations, best weapons, echo sets, stats, team comps, and more.

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Released as the main highlight of patch 1.4, Camellya is a 5★ sword user of the Havoc element, and the first character of said element to be added into the game since launch. Being a character first introduced in Chapter 1 Act V during the search for Black Shores faction, she needs little extra presentation - everyone has seen her cutscene and she’s been all the rage since.

Like before, for the non-abridged theory behind her kit, you may refer to her pre-release analysis.

Camellya features a few gimmicks that are, thankfully, simpler to explain and grasp when compared to ones like Youhu or Shorekeeper, if unfortunately just as lengthy. Starting with her Forte bar, Camellya gains Crimson Pistils whenever she casts either her Intro skill (100), Forte skill Ephemeral (100) or Resonance 6 Forte skill Perennial (50). Fancy name aside, it boosts her Resonance Energy recovery rate, Concerto Energy gain, and damage by interacting with the second part of her Forte.

Said Forte portion revolves around utilising the stacks she gains for spending Crimson Pistils at a rate of ~6 points per hit every time she strikes an enemy. For every 10 points spent, she gains a Crimson Bud stack (up to the maximum of 10) that is then consumed by the Ephemeral skill, which replaces her standard Resonance Skill once her Concerto bar is full. Depending on the amount of stacks consumed, they can up to double the usual buff of Budding Mode, which she enters after casting Ephemeral.

The debuff icon indicates the cooldown of Ephemeral, as it has its own separate cooldown

Budding Mode multiplicatively increases the base damage multipliers of her non-Liberation attacks by 50%, plus 5% per consumed Crimson Bud stack, and completely nullifies Camellya’s Resonance Energy gain for its duration. Not a huge price for doubling her damage before all other modifiers, all things considered. Budding Mode ends when Camellya spends all of her regained Crimson Pistil points, though it’s important to note it can be active at the same time as Blossom Mode.

Blossom Mode is the other state Camellya is able to enter, this time via her normal Resonance Skill. Among the more interesting things it does, it disables Camellya’s normal movement as she suspends herself from her vines, turns her spin attack into a horizontal one for more AoE, and shortens her basic attack chain to four attacks (down from the normal five). It also replaces her Resonance Skill with another one, but it's more of a way to let go of the vines entangling her.

Now, all of that? All this damage coming from her Forte and Resonance Skill? It’s all Basic Attack DMG. Really. All of her damage that isn’t Intro, Outro, Resonance Liberation or Echo counts as Basic Attack DMG. Even her heavy attack gets this property after obtaining her first Inherent Skill. The obvious perk of this consolidation is the ease of pushing damage margins with the right buffs such as Sanhua’s Outro. An equally obvious downside, however, is the added dependence on Echo substat RNG since Camellya is unable to utilise modifiers like Heavy Attack DMG Bonus or Resonance Skill DMG Bonus - and as we all know, Lady Luck is a fickle mistress.

What the game doesn’t tell you, however, is the sheer amount of Vibration Strength damage she is able to dish out. Between her combo chain being close to an auto-parry simulator and the ability to observe the posture bar melting in real time from the absolute onslaught of her attacks, I really wouldn’t be surprised if more bosses in the future had little to no parryable attacks à la Fallacy of No Return.

Camellya had a lot of hype going for her in the period leading up to her release, be it from the scarcity of her presence in the story, marketing material showing her cool factor, or thirst for a woman you can most definitely fix (keep telling yourself that). Although some might criticise the simplicity of her kit, it has nonetheless passed the cool factor and damage output tests with flying colours, provided you are able to give her something better than Sword of Night. It remains to be seen just how long she’ll stay at the top of the DPS charts, but as far as the current reality is concerned, she sits on the throne uncontested.

That is, unless you want to screenshot big numbers for bragging rights, in which case the Jinzhou Magistrate’s pocket laser beam might be more to your taste.

  • Very high damage output with wide reach of her attacks
  • Absolutely brutal Vibration Strength bar shredding potential against parryable enemies
  • Her kit, despite the wall of text, features little mechanical complexity
  • Features a lot of stagger resistance during her attacks
  • Fairly immobile when compared to most other characters
  • Missing attacks is much more punishing than usual due to requiring significant Concerto Energy generation
  • Very picky with her Echo substats, being entirely unable to utilise some of them

Camellya Rotations

Rotations should always be taken with a grain of salt. Enemies are NOT sandbags and WILL ATTACK YOU. Several factors such as Parries, Dodge Counters, and being knocked back will affect how you approach the rest of your rotation.

Ephemeral Loop

This is Camellya’s primary rotation, used in the main DPS role. There is little to speak of in terms of mechanical complexity as her combo sequence is rather straightforward, with the only real thing to watch out for being not to accidentally cast Floral Ravage instead of Ephemeral after her first basic attack chain.

Although the game doesn’t communicate it properly at all, the audio-visual indicator during Camellya’s spin attack marks the transition proper from Basic Attack 3 / Vining Waltz 3 into Basic Attack 4 / Blazing Waltz and no additional effects are tied to it.

• Intro
• Plunge Attack
• Resonance Skill: Crimson Blossom
• Resonance Liberation
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 1
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 2
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 3
• Basic Attack: Blazing Waltz
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 4
• Forte: Ephemeral
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 1
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 2
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 3
• Basic Attack: Blazing Waltz
• Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 4
• Resonance Skill: Floral Ravage
• Echo (Dreamless) - swap upon use
• Outro

Although listed as part of the rotation, the plunge attack is not a necessary inclusion, being mostly just for faster buff stacking if applicable. While recommended to keep it in the rotation, it can be safely skipped if it proves to be an inconvenience.

In the case where your Camellya has hit Resonance 6 and has access to Perennial, you may extend her combo by including the following sequence before casting Floral Ravage:

  • Forte: Perennial
  • Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 1
  • Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 2
  • Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 3
  • Basic Attack: Blazing Waltz (half-channel)
  • Basic Attack: Vining Waltz 4

Parry Windows

Being a melee character, Camellya is able to parry incoming strikes with all five of her basic attacks, Dodge Counter and plunge attack. Note that a successful dodge will chain into Basic Attack 3, which has an oddly unforgiving parry timing.

This sentiment fully extends to her Blossom Mode moveset, though this time a successful dodge will chain into Basic Attack 2.

All of Camellya’s skills - Crimson Bloom, Floral Ravage, Ephemeral and Perennial (not shown) - can parry enemy attacks. The list also includes her Resonance Liberation, which is considered a contact skill like the rest of her attacks.

Finally, as is usual with most characters, Camellya’s Intro can be used to parry an attack if timed correctly, but deliberate attempts at it are impractical at best.

Character Synergies


Verina, Shorekeeper and Baizhi
There are only so many ways to say “dealing damage is good, dealing more damage is better”. All three premier supports will boost Camellya’s damage output in slightly different ways when put in the same team together with her.
• 15% Team-wide All DMG Amplify
• Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone OR Fallacy of No Return
• 20% Team-wide ATK Bonus
• 5%~12.5% Team-wide Crit Rate Bonus
• 10%~25% Team-wide Crit DMG Bonus
• Stagger breakout
• 15% Team-wide ATK Bonus
Although not providing Camellya with anything worthwhile in the raw damage department, what Jianxin does instead is cover her weaker aspects by providing a wide-range enemy pull and massive shields that help Camellya stay in the fight.
• Gather
• Shields
• 38% Resonance Liberation DMG Amplify
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron OR Rejuvenating Glow with Originite: Type IV

With almost the entirety of Camellya’s damage counting as Basic Attack DMG, it should come as no surprise that Sanhua’s Outro is a very desirable buff for her overall damage output; a buff that Sanhua is able to provide on a very quick cycle.
• 38% Basic ATK DMG Amplify
• 10%~30% Teamwide ATK Bonus (Resonance 6)
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
A straight downgrade from Sanhua as far as Camellya is concerned, Danjin provides a weaker damage bonus on her Outro with a longer ability cycle. But, if for whatever reason you prefer using her over Sanhua, she is still able to substantially buff Camellya’s overall damage output via her Havoc DMG Amplify effect.
• 23% Havoc DMG Amplify
• 20% Team-wide ATK Bonus (Resonance 6)
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
Rover (Female)
A fairly competent support role pick that’s as budget as it gets, what Rover brings instead of raw damage numbers is the utility of effectively freezing the enemies in place for three seconds, or slightly more if you use them with Zig Zag. While not overly amazing in a vacuum, turning enemies into sandbags may allow for a cleaner execution of the team rotation and end up more beneficial than raw damage. As is usually the case with utility-focused characters, your mileage may vary on a case-by-case basis.
• Stasis Aura
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron OR Rejuvenating Glow (Resonance 4)

Honourable mentions

Yinlin, Zhezhi and Mortefi
The currently available lineup of characters specialising in Coordinated Attacks offers Camellya very little outside of raw damage output, thanks to her gimmick of being almost entirely Basic Attack DMG-based. Given the growing competition for the team slots, that’s about to stop being enough. Make no mistake - there are absolutely worse characters to field with Camellya, and she is able to utilise the CA schtick to decent effect, but unfortunately for the parties listed, there are also better options - like Sanhua, who is free. Seriously, use Sanhua.
• Off-field Coordinated Attacks
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
• 25% Resonance Liberation DMG Amplify
• 15 Resonance Energy regenerated instantly
• 20% Teamwide ATK Buff (Resonance 6)

Team Comps


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Skill Priority

  1. Resonance Skill
  2. Forte Circuit
  3. Resonance Liberation
  4. Intro Skill
  5. Basic Attack

Despite Camellya’s damage being almost entirely Basic Attack DMG and revolving around the left mouse button, almost all of her damage scales off of her Resonance Skill node. As such, it should take absolute priority over all other nodes.

As Forte Circuit levels only affect the damage of Ephemeral and Perennial and have no bearing on the buff magnitude from Budding Mode, the node can be treated as second priority if necessary.


Camellya’s weapon department looks just about as initially expected. Her signature sword, Red Spring, grants her up to 70% Basic Attack DMG Bonus, which given her schtick of dealing almost exclusively just that damage type, is really nasty. If rolling her weapon is not an option, then the generic 5★ Emerald of Genesis offers Camellya a strong base stat line with the extra Energy Regen serving as a safety net for her combo. And although it reaches ever-so-slightly higher theoretical numbers compared to the standard banner option, Blazing Brilliance ends up being nothing more than a glorified stat stick, not playing to Camellya’s strengths and lacking Emerald’s QoL features.

In the 4★ department, things have been shaken up a little by the arrival of Somnoire Anchor, a new sword which knocks Commando of Conviction off the throne it’s sat on since the game’s launch. Offering a higher base ATK, more ATK% bonus and extra Crit Rate to top it off, it’s a solid upgrade over good old Commando across the board - that is, if it's allowed to run through its initial ramp up period. Meanwhile, the battlepass-exclusive Lumingloss has finally found someone not named Danjin that can use it to its full potential, provided the blade reaches at least rank 3 to really start showing its teeth in Camellya’s hands.

If none of these options are available, Sword of Night is as always a reasonable stand-in until a better weapon can be acquired.

Weapon NameComparisonNotes
Red Spring116.39%In a truly shocking twist of events, Camellya’s signature sword is the best weapon for Camellya. The usual strong base stat line aside, the sword offers a truly disgusting amount of Basic Attack DMG Bonus... that also can only reach its full power in the hands of Camellya (at least for the time being).
Blazing Brilliance100.46%Changli’s signature sword completely misses the mark on Camellya - not that it’s surprising given the gimmick mismatch. As far as being a stat stick goes, it will suffice and perform as a 5-star should, although without any added benefits or QoL like Emerald of Genesis.
Emerald of Genesis100%The generic 5★ sword finds itself to be the top alternative for Camellya in case she doesn’t have access to her signature sword. Not only does it feature a strong base stat lineup, it also completely covers her ER% safety net without any additional help. Bit of a colour mismatch with the rest of her design, though.
Somnoire Anchor84.57%
(Rank 5: 92.39%)
More or less Commando of Conviction v1.5, awarded at max rank for fully clearing the Somnium Labyrinth during game version 1.4 and sporting a high base attack stat. Gains stacks of ATK% bonus every second as long as you continue executing the equipped character’s combo, complimenting it with a Crit Rate% bonus upon reaching max stacks.
Commando of Conviction81.85%
(Rank 5: 86.43%)
An amazing budget sword offering a lot of ATK with the trivial activation condition of an Intro skill cast. Although it has lost the status of the best budget option, it remains a very competitive choice of a weapon.
(Rank 5: 91.91%)
A slightly more premium bonking stick, serving as a strong alternative to Commando of Conviction if gacha luck is not on your side. Scales extremely well with ranks on Camellya, playing directly to her strengths.
Lunar Cutter78.96%
(Rank 5: 80.64%)
A sidegrade to Commando of Conviction, offering a smaller boost in exchange for triggering regardless of Intro Skill usage.
Sword#1876.84%A sword carried by its ATK% secondary stat, which proves to be just enough to keep it relevant. Its rather modest Heavy Attack DMG Bonus is entirely unusable by Camellya even if the trigger condition can be reliably maintained.
Sword of Night72.22%Reasonable alternative if no other offensive options are available.
Originite: Type II67.83%An overall terrible sword that in practice ends up making you play without an active effect while also providing much less ATK than Sword of Night.
Overture62.11%A utility-focused sword that enables faster rotations for certain characters by granting them more Concerto energy. Unfortunately, Camellya is not one of those characters and is better off using another weapon.
Guardian Sword59.19%Bringing to the table a terrible base ATK stat, a useless HP% secondary stat, and two Echo substats’ worth of Resonance Skill DMG Bonus that Camellya cannot even put to use to begin with, Guardian Sword finds itself a comfortable niche in being a decent XP fodder for a better weapon.
Sword of Voyager59.19%A sword so bad and bottom-of-the-barrel that it’s barely any better than fighting empty-handed. It arguably looks worse than Guardian Sword, too. Offers no offensive stats or effects and comes with a base ATK so low it barely wins against Tyro Sword. Best fed to a better sword and forgotten about.


Sonata effects

Set EffectComparisonNotes
Sun-Sinking Eclipse 5p100%The current best option for Camellya, offering a sizable Havoc% bonus at the condition of hitting an enemy with a basic or heavy attack... which is her entire schtick at the end of the day.
Lingering Tunes 5p97.21%An alternative set suffering from a 6 second ramp-up period. Despite the unfavourable buff type, it ends up being an acceptable alternative for Camellya.
Sun-Sinking Eclipse 2p + Lingering Tunes 2p89.63%This combination should only ever be used as a transition set.

Active Echo Recommendation

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Sun-Sinking Eclipse: Dreamless - The best choice of an active Echo for Camellya, offering a quick burst of AoE damage... and honestly not much else. Will do exactly what it says on the tin with no caveats and can be character-swapped out of immediately upon use. The Havoc element could really use some new Echoes...

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Sun-Sinking Eclipse: Crownless - Crownless serves as an early and easily accessible stop-gap while building any Havoc DPS character, partially thanks to the Havoc DMG and Resonance Skill DMG bonuses provided on Echo use. Compared to Dreamless, it suffers from being a whole lot slower to use and trickier to fit into character rotations, although not nearly as badly as other elements have it (Inferno Rider). Depending on the substats rolled, Crownless may still be worth considering as a stat stick, however transforming into it is inadvisable as it’s almost always a DPS loss.

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Sun-Sinking Eclipse: Tambourinist - A moderately good stand-in of an active Echo if you don’t have access to Dreamless. It offers Camellya an extra few hits during her usual rotation without any major caveats or stealing her field time, with the price of this convenience being low numbers of individual hits. Loses all value as an active Echo the moment you gain access to Dreamless, but depending on substats, it may be repurposed to a stat stick.

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Lingering Tunes: Mech Abomination - The only viable choice for the Lingering Tunes set if you insist on using it. It deals a somewhat respectable amount of damage and buffs your attack by 12% for 15 seconds. It's worth pointing out that Mech Abomination provides its benefits without sacrificing character field time or interrupting any actions.

Main stats

4Critical Rate % / Critical DMG %
3Havoc % / ATK %
3Havoc %
1ATK %
1ATK %

When selecting your 4-Cost Echo main stat, be mindful of your equipped weapon’s secondary stat. Swords with innate critical chance bonus will prefer Critical DMG%, while the rest will prefer Critical Rate%.

For 3-Cost Echoes, the preferable setup for Camellya while using the Sun-Sinking Eclipse set is that of Havoc% + ATK%, in large part due to her already featuring a sizable bonus to Havoc element damage in her Innate Skills. This applies regardless of weapon used, but with one very specific exception: if Camellya is using her signature sword Red Spring and the current Tower of Adversity element bonus is mismatched, in that and only that case she will prefer a double ATK% setup by a tiny margin.

While it's possible to run a 4-4-1-1-1 setup on Camellya, it is unadvised to do so due to final damage margins being noticeably lower than with the classic 4-3-3-1-1 Echo set.

Sub stats priority

Sub Stat Priority
Crit Rate = Crit DMG > ATK% > Basic Attack DMG > Flat ATK > Resonance Liberation DMG
Follow Ratio of 1:2 for Crit Rate/Crit DMG

Although Camellya has no issues in the Energy Regeneration department even at the default amount, it’s nevertheless a good idea to give her around 10% to 15% ER as a safety net in case she misses a few hits during her combo.


Hi, hello. I am a caffeine addict primarily doing math and overexplaining game mechanics, probably bullying Dark Souls bosses for the millionth time right about now.

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