Wuthering Waves Chixia Build Guide

Chixia Guide – Builds, Teams, and How to Play

Best Chixia guide for Wuthering Waves: Builds, skill priority, rotations, best weapons, echo sets, stats, team comps, and more.

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  • Rotation is simple to understand
  • High single-target damage
  • Accessible to all players
  • Needs a decent amount of Energy Regen 
  • Micromanaging Resonance Skill charges can be difficult
  • Has no knockback resistance when casting Forte Resonance Skill


Chixia is a free 4★ ranged Fusion character who performs best as a main-dps that takes up a lot of field time. Surprisingly, even as a free character, Chixia can output a respectable amount of single-target damage.

The problem lies in the nature of her kit, namely the Forte Circuit, which can be broken down into two parts. The first is Thermobaric Bullets, which is casted by holding E while you have bullets in the Forte Gauge. Once Chixia has consumed 30 bullets, she can then cast Forte Skill: Boom Boom. 

In a perfect world scenario, Chixia’s personal damage output is definitely on the higher end when considering that she is a 4★. However, problems start to occur when enemies attack her mid-rotation. If Thermobaric Bullets is interrupted or canceled early, she loses the cast of Boom Boom, which heavily stunts her damage output and energy generation.


Rotation should always be taken with a grain of salt. Enemies are NOT sandbags and WILL ATTACK YOU. Several factors such as Parries, Dodge Counters, and being knocked back will affect how you approach the rest of your rotation.

Follow-up/Burst Rotation

• Echo (Skill Swap)
• Intro Skill
• Forte Skill: Thermobaric Bullets (Hold E)
• Forte Skill: BOOM BOOM 
• Ultimate Skill
• Forte Skill: Thermobaric Bullets (Hold E)
• Forte Skill: BOOM BOOM

For Chixia’s combo, you will always want to spend at least 30 bullets on Forte: Thermobaric Bullets to ensure you can cast Forte Skill: Boom Boom. At high investments, you will have an extra 10 bullets from her Inherent Skill, making this easier to accomplish consistently.

Sample Team Rotation with Mortefi and Verina

• Intro to Mortefi
• Mortefi: Skill 
• Mortefi: Skill: Fury Fugue 
• Mortefi: Basic 1-4 
• Mortefi: Skill: Fury Fugue 
• Swap to Chixia
• Chixia: Skill
• Swap to Verina
• Verina: Skill (Cancel with Bell)
• Verina: Bell-Borne Geochelone (Cancel with jump mid air attacks)
• Verina: build up energy for outro
• Intro to Chixia
• Chixia: Skill
• Chixia: Echo (Skill swap to Mortefi)
• Mortefi: Ultimate
• Echo (Impermanence Heron Swap Cancel)
• Intro to Chixia
• Perform Chixia’s combo

Even with Chixia’s recommended Energy Regen amount of 30 to 50%, she still has trouble generating enough energy to cast her Ultimate. To alleviate this, your team will have to generate the remaining energy required.

Parry Windows

Disclaimer: This is a work-in-progress section and will be updated as we learn more.

As a Pistol user, Chixia has no easy access to parries but can perform Dodge Counters to skip to Basic Attack 4.

Character Synergies

Chixia’s rotation has several skill casts with high hit counts, allowing her to easily trigger the followup damage from Mortefi’s Resonance Liberation.
• 38% Heavy ATK DMG Deepen
• 20% Teamwide ATK Buff (R6)
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
A good portion of Chixia’s damage is classified as Resonance Skill DMG, so she highly appreciates the buffs that Taoqi’s Outro Skill provides.
• 38% Resonance Skill ATK DMG Deepen
• Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
Verina synergizes well with all main/sub-dps characters, and Chixia is no exception. She provides a team-wide All DMG Deepen and ATK buff. On top of this, Verina’s combos are short and do not take up a lot of field time. 

Additionally, Verina has no problems running Rejuvenating Glow and Bell, offering the team a good mix of offensive and defensive utility.
• 15% Team-wide All DMG Deepen
• 20% Team-wide ATK buff
• Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone
Baizhi is usually left as an alternative/backup pick, sharing similar buffs with Verina. Baizhi’s Outro only buffs the character currently on-field. Additionally, the ATK buff is NOT teamwide and requires your main-dps to interact with an item. 
• 15% All DMG Deepen
• 15% ATK buff
• Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Born Geochelone
Mostly brought into stages that have enemies you want to gather. While this may sound underwhelming, there are stages in ToA that have multiple enemies in the same wave. She has the option of using Originite: Type IV for easy access to Rejuvenating Glow set effect at the cost of her own damage. 
• Gather
• Rejuvenating Glow with Originite: Type IV and Bell-Borne Geochelone

Team Comps

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Skill Priority


  1. Forte Circuit
  2. Resonance Liberation
  3. Resonance Skill
  4. Intro Skill = Basic Attack

Most of Chixia’s damage comes from her Forte Gauge and Resonance Liberation. In a normal rotation, Chixia will almost never use her Basic Attack.


Chixia’s best weapon is Static Mist for its high base ATK, Crit Rate, and Energy Regen. The next best alternatives are Novaburst and Pistols#26 for their generic buffing effects. Note that Pistols#26’s damage output can drop off significantly when Chixia is hit by an attack. 

Both Undying Flame and Thunderbolt provide the same buffs and are perfectly fine 4★ alternatives. Between the two, it’s worth noting that Thunderbolt has worse base stats but scales better with dupes. 

Cadenza should be avoided like the plague, as it is a more utility-focused weapon that can shorten rotations. On a main-dps that wants to stay on-field to deal damage, this is a damage loss.

Weapon NameComparisonNotes
Static MistR0: 100%The perfect weapon for Chixia. It provides everything She needs: ER, high base ATK, and crit rate.
NovaburstR0: 81.57%On paper, this is another decent weapon that increases Chixia’s ATK by up to 12%. However, this requires dodging multiple times mid-combo to gain stacks. 
Undying FlameR0: 79.69%Has an easy-to-trigger effect that buffs most of her kit. 
Pistols#26R0: 78.96%A great weapon that matches Novaburst, assuming you never get hit.
ThunderboltR0: 77.75%Chixia appreciates the additional Resonance Skill damage. 
CadenzaR0: 60.62%This weapon loses all its value on Chixia, as she prefers to stay on-field to deal damage.
Pistol of NightR5: 71.32%Budget alternative


Molten Rift: The clear winner when you are going for a main-dps Chixia. Provides a hefty Fusion DMG% buff for 15 seconds after using a skill. With Chixia’s playstyle requiring you to weave in your skills mid-rotation, you should have no problems maintaining uptime on its buff. 

Lingering Tunes: On Chixia, Lingering Tunes is not a terrible alternative since she spends a decent amount of time on-field. This can definitely be a set you can consider if you have better substats on your Echoes. 

Set EffectComparisonNotes
Molten Rift 5pc100%Provides a large Fusion DMG buff and has access to Inferno Rider.
Lingering Tunes 5pc87.92%Lingering Tunes’ only downside is being forced into Mech Abomination.
Lingering Tunes + Molten Rift 2pc88.81%This set combination should be treated as a transition set, rather than something to be used in the endgame. 

Active Echo Recommendation

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Molten Rift - Inferno Rider: For  main-dps purposes, Inferno Rider provides a useful 12% Fusion DMG buff. You can also switch to another character during its 3rd hit. This animation cancel can be important to deal more damage, avoid attacks, or generate additional Resonance/Concerto Energy.

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Lingering Tunes - Mech Abomination: The only notable effects this Echo has on Chixia are its ATK buff and fast animation. Chixia also cannot take full advantage of the damage dealt by this Echo, as it scales with Electro DMG.

Mainstat and Substats

4Crit Rate/Crit DMG
3Fusion Bonus Damage%
3Fusion Bonus Damage%
Sub Stat Priority
Energy Regen (30 to 50%) = Crit Rate = Crit DMG > ATK% > ATK 
Note: Follow a ratio of 1:2 for Crit Rate/Crit DMG
Chixia wants around 30 to 50% Energy Regen to consistently use her Ultimate every rotation. 

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