Table of Contents
Second Coming of Solaris is a limited time event introduced in version 1.0 which involves you completing a series of 7 guided quests in exchange for valuable rewards such as Astrite! This guide will cover the basics of the event, go over each day of the and how to complete them, as well as the rewards for completing each quest.

Event Overview
Second Coming of Solaris will be added to your quest log upon reaching UL 14 and having completed Chapter 1, Act 2. You can either get to the quest location by proceeding through the event page, or through your quest log, which will point you to where to go on the map.

Event Gameplay Duration:
➥ 2024-06-13 04:00 to 2024-06-27 03:59 (server time)
➥ Reach Union Level 14 and complete the main quest "Echoing Marche" to unlock the event.
Event Overview:
➥ Maqi will issue commissions every day. Deliver the required items as per the commission instructions to obtain rewards.
Day 1 - Specialty Drinks
Day 1 is very simple, just follow the quest markers and deliver the tea to Maqi to complete day 1, and then claim your rewards from the event page!

You can get Tea for free by talking to Maqi and choosing the option 'Give me some leads on "Local Drinks". This will lead to an optional task where you can interact with Ganxue from the Souvenir Store and she will give you Tea x1.

Day 2 - Sea of Flowers in the Valley.
For day 2, you can complete this quest by simply handing in any flower from your inventory to Maqi, or if you have no flowers on hand, purchasing one from Yoko at the pharmacy, or you can talk to Maqi again and ask for clues on where to obtain it, then talk to Linsu located adjacent to the Souvenir Store to obtain a flower from her. After the flower is turned in, be sure to claim your reward from the event page.

Day 3 - Golden Insect
For Day 3, Maqi requests a golden insect. You can either choose to hand over an insect currently in your possession, or inquire with Maqi about clues on where to get a golden insect, and then speak to children located near the Relic Merchant to obtain a butterfly from them. Return to Maqi to deliver the insect, then claim your rewards from the event page.

Day 4 - Crownless?
Day 4 is perhaps the easiest day thus far as it's all located in the same location, the Pioneer Association. You can simply hand over any type of Howler or Whisperin Core currently in your possession, or ask Maqi for more clues about the crownless, and speak to Xianchen located right next to Maqi in order to get the appropriate item to turn in to Maqi. Claim your rewards in the event page afterwards.

Day 5 - Unforgettable dishes.
Day 5 involves delivering Maqi any soup currently in your possession. If you don't have any soup currently on hand or would prefer to get an extra free soup, you can ask for more clues, and an optional objective to speak with Panhua and Panhua's Restaurant will appear on the map. After the soup is acquired, hand it over to Maqi and claim your rewards from the event page.

Day 6 - Mithril.
For Day 6, you just need to hand Maqi any piece of Ore currently in your possession, or if you happen to have none or want a free piece of ore, ask for more information and talk with Fuyan to obtain it. Then deliver the ore to Maqi to complete Day 6, and make sure to claim the rewards from the event page.

Day 7 - Burning Jade of Light.
Finally, for the last day of the event, players simply need to hand in any type of Phlogiston or Waveworn Residue that you currently own, or if you do not own any or simply want to save what you have, you may talk with Xieyang after asking Maqi for more clues. Afterwards, hand in the item to Maqi to complete the quest. For the final time, be sure to claim your rewards from the event page!

Don’t forget to manually claim your rewards from the event page! Each day or quest will grant you different rewards, they are as follows:
Day | Rewards |
1. Specialty Drinks | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Resonance Potion x4 -Medium Energy Core x5 |
2. Sea of Flowers in the Valley. | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Energy Core x4 -Shell Credit x30000 |
3. Golden Insect | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Sealed Tube x4 -Medium Resonance Potion x5 |
4. Crownless? | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Resonance Potion x4 -Shell Credit x30000 |
5. Unforgettable dishes. | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Energy Core x4 -Medium Sealed Tube x5 |
6. Mithril. | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Sealed Tube x4 -Shell Credit x30000 |
7. Burning Jade of Light | -Astrite x60 -Advanced Resonance Potion x4 -Medium Energy Core x5 |