When Thunder Pours - Featured Resonator Convene

When Thunder Pours – Featured Resonator Convene

Wuthering Waves Yinlin limited rate up banner details and recommendation guide.

When Thunder Pours - Featured Resonator Convene

When Thunder Pours- Featured Resonator Convene is the Wuthering Waves limited rate up character banner for Yinlin.

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For a breakdown on the new banners, check out our guide:

For details on the Stringmaster weapon banner. check out the event details:

Event Period

2024/06/06 10:00 - 2024/06/26 11:59 (server time)

Convene Rules

  • [Prevail the Lasting Night] is a [Featured Resonator Convene] event banner.
  • Use Radiant Tide to Convene. You are guaranteed at least one 4-star or higher rarity Resonator or weapon every 10 attempts.
  • The Guarantee count is shared among all [Featured Resonator Convene] event banners. If a 5- star Resonator is not obtained in this event banner, the Guarantee count is carried over other [Featured Resonator Convene] event banners and resets once a 5-star Resonator is obtained.


  • The base 5-star Resonator drop rate is 0.8%. The average drop rate (including the Guarantee) is 1.8%. You are guaranteed to obtain at least one 5-star Resonator every 80 Convenes.
  • Every time a 5-star Resonator is obtained, there is a 50% chance it will be Yinlin, the Limited 5- star Resonator of this event banner. If the 5-star Resonator obtained is not [Yinlin], the next 5- star Resonator is guaranteed to be [Yinlin].
  • The base 4-star Resonator or Weapon drop rate is 6.0%. The average drop rate (including the Guarantee) is 12.0%. You are guaranteed to obtain at least one Resonator or Weapon of 4-star or higher rarity every 10 Convenes.
  • Every 4-star item you obtain has a 50% chance of being one of the following 4-star Featured Resonators of this event banner: Taoqi, Aalto, or Yuanwu. If not, the next 4-star item is guaranteed to be a Featured Resonator, with equal chances for each.
  • The base 3-star Weapon drop rate is 93.2%.

*Please refer to the Wuthering Waves Official Website for more details on the drop rates.

Extra Rewards

  • On obtaining a 5-star Resonator for the first time, you will get 15 Afterglow Corals. On obtaining a 5-star Resonator that you already own for the 2nd - 7th time, you will get 1 Waveband of that Resonator and 15 Afterglow Corals. From the 8th time onward, you will get 40 Afterglow Corals.
  • On obtaining a 4-star Resonator for the first time, you will get 3 Afterglow Corals. On obtaining a 4-star Resonator that you already own for the 2nd - 7th time, you will get 1 Waveband of that Resonator and 3 Afterglow Corals. From the Sth time onward, you will get & Afterglow Corals.
  • Whenever you obtain a 4-star weapon, you will get 3 Afterglow Corals.
  • Whenever you obtain a 3-star weapon, you will get 15 [/item]Oscillate Coral[/item]s.
  • If the 5-star Resonator obtained is not [Jiyan], you will get an extra 30 Afterglow Corals.


  • You may redeem up to 2 limited stock Wavebands for each 5-star Resonator with Afterglow Corals.
  • You may redeem various items with Oscillate Corals. Please visit the in-game Store page for current options and redemption limits, reset with each version update.

Available Convene Items:

List of Featured Items

5-star Resonators

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  • Yinlin (UP ↑)
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  • Verina
  • Encore
  • Calcharo
  • Lingyang
  • Jianxin

4-star Resonators

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  • Taoqi (UP ↑)
  • Aalto(UP ↑)
  • Yuanwu (UP ↑)
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  • Yangyang
  • Sanhua
  • Mortefi
  • Baizhi
  • Chixia
  • Danjin

4-star Weapons

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  • Dauntless Evernight
  • Commando of Conviction
  • Undying Flame
  • Amity Accord
  • Jinzhou Keeper
  • Discord
  • Overture
  • Cadenza
  • Marcato
  • Variation
  • Helios Cleaver
  • Lunar Cutter
  • Novaburst
  • Hollow Mirage
  • Comet Flare

3-star Weapons

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  • Broadblade of Night
  • Sword of Night
  • Pistols of Night
  • Gauntlets of Night
  • Rectifier of Night
  • Broadblade of Voyager
  • Sword of Voyager
  • Pistols of Voyager
  • Gauntlets of Voyager
  • Rectifier of Voyager
  • Originite: Type I
  • Originite: Type II
  • Originite: Type III
  • Originite: Type IV
  • Originite: Type V
Articles: 500