Wuthering Waves Jianxin Build Guide

Jianxin Guide – Builds, Teams, and How to Play

Best Jianxin guide for Wuthering Waves: Builds, skill priority, rotations, best weapons, echo sets, stats, team comps, and more.

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  • Currently the strongest AoE gather 
  • Can flex into sub-dps or support
  • Her parry can tank through certain attacks 
  • Team-wide shields
  • Bosses and Elites are not affected by gathering effects (Mostly an issue in the final stages of ToA)
  • Has long animations that cannot be switch canceled
  • Loses out on the majority of her buffs and energy generation if her Forte Skill is canceled


Jianxin is a melee character who can flex into any role, whether it be a main-dps, sub-dps, or support. She provides team-wide shields, Resonance Liberation Deepen, strong gathering effects, and immunity to some boss attacks via her parry. 

While this sounds good on paper, Jianxin does not particularly excel in any of those roles. She cannot keep up with most dedicated main/sub-dps characters when comparing her personal damage output. On top of this, she eats up a considerable amount of field time to build up Concerto/Resonance Energy. 

As a support, Jianxin has to run a specific setup to consistently trigger the 5pc set effect of Rejuvenating Glow. While treated as a joke setup in the “big world overworld, ToA is a different story.

As you challenge higher ToA floors, you WILL find yourself needing extra supports to trigger buffs such as Bell to not get one-shotted by level 90/100 enemies and 5pc Rejuvenating Glow for a 100% uptime ATK buff.

Once a 3rd dedicated healer is released, Jianxin may no longer be a good substitute as a support. However, there is no such character on the horizon, as 1.1 features 2 dps units.

Her main playstyle revolves around her Forte Gauge, which holds the bulk of her buffs, shields, healing, and AoE damage. The main issue comes with its inability to be skilled swapped and 6-second cast time.

This forces her to stay on-field and pray that enemies don’t attack her. Unfortunately, the “big world”, ToA, and Hologram are unforgiving places. Even with a 50% damage reduction, leaving a character immobile for this long usually means getting banished to the shadow realm.


Rotation should always be taken with a grain of salt. Enemies are NOT sandbags and WILL ATTACK YOU.

Several factors such as Parries, Dodge Counters, and being knocked back will affect how you approach the rest of your rotation.

If for whatever reason, you have to end Jianxin’s Forte Attack early, she will lose out on A LOT of Concerto and Resonance Energy. This will heavily affect your rotation and may even lead to losing out on an Outro/Resonance Liberation cast or force you to extend her rotation.

Sub-DPS / Support Switch-in


• Resonance Liberation
• Skill
• Basic Attack 1
• Bell-Borne Geochelone (support Echo)

A quick opener which focuses on getting gather, Bell, and Rejuvenating Glow 5pc active effects.


• Intro
• Skill
• Basic Attack until Forte Gauge is filled and trigger Rejuvenating Glow 5pc effect
• Charge Forte Attack
• Echo: Bell-Borne Geochelone
• Resonance Liberation (If available)

Depending on your Energy Regen, you may not have Jianxin’s Resonance Liberation available for every rotation.

As a support, this is fine, as the goal of the rotation is to reach Jianxin’s Outro as quickly as possible instead.

Ideally, you will want to delay Bell-Borne Geochelone until after Forte to maximize buffs.


• Echo: Feilian Beringal (Swap Cancel)
• Intro
• Resonance Liberation (If available)
• Skill
• Basic Attack until Forte Gauge t
• Charge Forte Attack
• Resonance Liberation (If it was not used earlier)
• Outro

Jianxin’s DPS rotation is somewhat flexible with when you can cast Resonance Liberation.

We recommend casting at the very beginning of the rotation or after using a Charged Forte Attack.

Parry Windows

Disclaimer: This is a work-in-progress section and will be updated as we learn more.

As with any Melee character, Jianxin can parry attacks with all of her Basic Attacks. In terms of practicality, all of Jianxin’s Basic Attacks come out relatively quickly, making it easy to weave in attacks if needed. However, both her Plunge and non-Forte Heavy parries should be avoided.
If you have to end your Forte cast early due to an attack, it is possible to parry with the end animation. 
Outside of the natural counters that Jianxin’s skill can perform, the finishing attack can also parry attacks if needed.
When a switch-in or dodge counter is performed, Jianxin goes directly into Basic 2. Additionally, her intro skill can also parry attacks. 
Funnily enough, Jianxin’s Ultimate has a forgiving parry window upon cast. However, this shouldn’t be your default option when trying to parry attacks but should instead be treated as a neat gimmick somewhat unique to Jianxin.

Character Synergies

If you are playing Jianxin as a support, she can synergize well with anyone and is mostly reliant on the stage you are fighting.

Universal picks

Verina synergizes well with all main/sub-dps characters, and Jianxin is no exception. She provides a team-wide All DMG Deepen and ATK buff. On top of this, Verina’s combos are short and do not take up a lot of field time. 

Additionally, Verina has no problems running Rejuvenating Glow and Bell, offering the team a good mix of offensive and defensive utility. 
15% Team-wide All DMG Deepen
20% Team-wide ATK buff
Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone
Baizhi is usually left as an alternative/backup pick, sharing similar buffs with Verina. Baizhi’s Outro only buffs the character currently on-field. Additionally, the ATK buff is NOT teamwide and requires your main-dps to interact with an item. 
15% All DMG Deepen
15% ATK buff
Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Born Geochelone


If you want to play Jianxin as a main-dps, Mortefi synergizes perfectly. He provides Heavy ATK DMG Deepen, takes up very little field time, and can attack off-field. 

To make the most out of Mortefi’s Resonance Liberation, you will want a character with a high hit count and uses Heavy/Skills. Jianxin’s Forte Gauge attack fits this perfectly, as it is considered a Heavy ATK and generates around 3 attacks per second.
38% Heavy ATK DMG Deepen
20% Teamwide ATK Buff (R6)
Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron
Rover (Male)
Rover (Spectro) provides additional safety when casting Jianxin’s Forte with Time Slow (Stasis Aura).

On top of this, Rover can also run 5pc Rejuvenating Glow + Bell or Moonlit Clouds and Heron.
Time Slow (Stasis Aura)
Rejuvenating Glow and Bell-Borne Geochelone or Moonlit Clouds and Impermanence Heron


Most of Calcharo’s damage comes from his Resonance Liberation and can thus take full advantage of Jianxin’s Outro.

Unfortunately, this buff is removed if Calcharo is switched out mid-rotation and is only applied to the next character switching in. 

Yinlin’s release has left Jianxin as a backup option or a support pick to proc Rejuvenating Glow 5pc and gather enemies in ToA. 

Team Comps

As a support Jianxin can fit into any team that needs a Rejuvenating 5pc proc or gatherer for AoE content.

As Main-DPS

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Skill Priority


  1. Resonance Liberation
  2. Resonance Skill
  3. Forte Circuit
  4. Basic Attack
  5. Intro Skill

As a support, Jianxin’s field time will be kept short. This leaves her Resonance Liberation and Resonance Skill as the only real options to raise. 


  1. Forte Circuit
  2. Resonance Liberation
  3. Resonance Skill = Basic Attack
  4. Intro Skill

As a main-dps, Jianxin will want to spend more time on-field. Her main source of damage will come from her Forte Circuit and Resonance Liberation.


Support Weapons

For support weapons, Jianxin has 2 choices, Originite: Type IV to proc the effects of Rejuvenating Glow 5pc or Marcato for faster rotations.

Set EffectNotes
Originite: Type IVOnly taken to trigger the 5pc Rejuvenating Glow effect.
MarcatoEnergy Regen is a welcome addition for Jianxin. However, the extra Concerto Energy can make rotations shorter or mess up the rotation entirely.

Main/Sub-DPS Weapons

As usual, the 5★ weapon Abyss Surges beats out all 4★ alternatives, boasting a high base ATK and ATK% main-stat alongside an Energy Regen substat. As for 4* alternatives, both Hollow Mirage and Stonard are about equal at R1.

Weapon NameComparisonNotes
Abyss SurgesR0: 100%Mainly a stat stick which has high base ATK, ATK%, and ER.
Hollow MirageR0: 80.99%
(Assumes you won’t get hit)
An all-around strong weapon with an easy-to-trigger effect.
 Its main issue comes from having to maintain buff stacks. 
StonardR0: 77.89%Has a Crit Rate main stat and a Resonance Liberation buff, which makes up a decent chunk of Jianxin’s damage.
Gauntlets#21DR0: 64.70%Has a lower Base ATK when compared to the other 4★ alternatives but makes up for it by having a beefy Energy Regen main stat. 
Gauntlets of NightR5: 69.63Budget alternative



Moonlit Clouds: Your go-to set on a sub-dps Jianxin, it provides 10% Energy Regen, which reduces the additional Energy Regen requirements needed to cast Resonance Liberation every rotation. The main benefit of this set is its ATK buff for the next Resonator while also running Impermanence Heron.

Rejuvenating Glow: As a pure support Jianxin, your only real option is Rejuvenating Glow. This should always be paired with Originite: Type IV to trigger the set effect. Note that this is only relevant in ToA, as you will need 3 teams.

Set EffectNotes
Moonlit Clouds 5pcA supportive set which provides ER subs and buffs the next damage dealer.
Rejuvenating Glow 5pcShould only be used in ToA and with Originite: Type IV


Sierra Gale: A generic Aero set for main-dps characters and best-in-slot for a main-dps Jianxin. Its 5pc effect is easy to trigger and benefits her entire kit.

Set EffectComparisonNotes
Sierra Gale 5pc100%A 40% Aero buff is a 40% Aero buff, you can't really go wrong there.
Lingering Tunes 5pc87.08%Jianxin has alot of ATK buffs built into her kit, causing Lingering Tunes to fall off.
Moonlit Clouds + Sierra Gale 2pc87.64%This set combination should be treated as a transition set, rather than something to be used in the endgame. 

Active Echo Recommendation

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Moonlit Clouds - Impermanence Heron: Your usual support Echo which should be equipped if Jianxin is running Moonlit Clouds. This provides extra buffs to your main-dps, allowing them to deal more damage.

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Rejuvenating Glow - Bell-Borne Geochelone: A universally strong Echo that provides a shield that lasts for three hits. While the shield is active, it also increases DMG% by 10% for the whole team and provides a flat 50% damage reduction.

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Sierra Gale - Feilian Beringal: Its active Echo effect deals decent damage, can be swap canceled, and still grants its buffs even when swap canceled.

Mainstat and Substats

4Crit Rate/Crit DMG
3Aero Bonus Damage%/Energy Regeneration%
3Aero Bonus Damage%
Sub Stat Priority
Energy Regen (40 to 55%) = Crit Rate = Crit DMG > ATK% > Basic ATK DMG% > ATK 
Note: Follow Ratio of 1:2 for Crit Rate/Crit DMG

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