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Wuthering Waves' gacha system has seen a massive rework in CBT2. Before CBT2, CN had a private NDA test, and now in CBT2 they have payment options enabled. This could indicate that they appreciated the gacha system and it is not likely to be changed drastically on release. So let's review it.

Beginner Banner
Every gacha has it's own starting banner, in Wuthering Waves this banner features the 5 "Standard" characters, guarantees you at least a single 5-Star standard character (guaranteed at 50 pity) and comes with a discount when using pulls on it (8 instead of 10, per 10 pull).
List of the "Standard" characters:
- Verina (Spectro - Rectifier)
- Calcharo (Electro - Broadblade)
- Ling Yang (Glacio - Gauntlets)
- Jianxin (Aero - Gauntlets)
- Encore (Fusion - Rectifier)
Once you have made your 50 total pulls on this banner, it will disappear.

Standard - Character Banner
The standard character banner will feature the 5 standard characters listed above.
Gacha Rules:
- 4-Star guaranteed per 10 pulls
- 5-Star guaranteed per 80 pulls
- Soft pity starts around 60-70 pulls.

Standard - Weapon Banner
The standard weapon banner is separated from the standard character banner and will feature 5 standard weapons that you can pick to aim toward your desired weapon with a 100% guaranteed drop rate.
Weapon List:
- Emerald of Genesis - Sword
- Lustrous Razor - Broadblade
- Abyss Surges - Gauntlets
- Static Mist - Duel Pistols
- Cosmic Ripples - Rectifier
Gacha Rules:
- 4-Star guaranteed per 10 pulls
- 5-Star guaranteed per 80 pulls
- Soft pity starts around 60-70 pulls.

Limited - Character Banner
The limited character banner will feature a rate-up with a 50% drop chance for that rate-up character. After obtaining a 5-Star that is not the rate-up character, the next 5-Star will have a 100% drop chance to be that limited rate-up character.
If the 5-Star is not the rate-up character, instead you will get one of the standard characters.
List of current limited characters:
Gacha Rules:
- 4-Star guaranteed per 10 pulls
- 5-Star guaranteed per 80 pulls
- 50|50 with guaranteed after losing
- Soft pity starts around 60-70 pulls.
Limited - Weapon Banner
The limited weapon banner will similarly to the standard weapon banner, feature a 100% guaranteed drop rate for the signature weapon matching the rate up limited character.
Limited weapon list:
- Verdant Summit (Jiyan's Signature) - Broadblade
- Stringmaster (Yinlin's Signature) - Rectifier
Gacha Rules:
- 4-Star guaranteed per 10 pulls
- 5-Star guaranteed per 80 pulls
- Soft pity starts around 60-70 pulls.
Pulling Guide - Who To Prioritize & Rerolling
When it comes to rerolling, it is purely a personal choice that you have to make. If you want to commit to resetting with a new account until you get your desired standard character through the beginner banner, or maybe you're just looking for a lucky start. Rerolling is optional.
Keep in mind that a lot of info from CBT2 may not hold true on release as things are extremely subject to change. In CBT2, the best standard characters to aim for were Calcharo, Encore and Verina. Calcharo and Encore are strong DPS characters while Verina offers tons of buffing utility through her kit & the Rejuvenation Glow Sonata Effect, great healing, and off-field damage.

Jiyan or Yinlin?
In both CBTs of Wuthering Waves, Jiyan was the first limited banner and Yinlin came right after him.
When it comes to choosing whether you should pull for Jiyan on release, or save to guarantee Yinlin... it's more of a personal preference.
Both Jiyan and Yinlin play very differently, are both very strong, and most importantly fill different roles. Jiyan is a main carry type of character that you build your team around and focus buffs on to deal huge amounts of damage with, while Yinlin is more of a sub-DPS character that offers less damage but brings buffs into the table. She excels at dealing bursts of damage through quick-swapping.

Weapon Banners - Should You Pull?
The general recommendation for players is to focus on pulling characters, not weapons. Characters offer more gameplay variety, while weapons only give you bigger numbers.
For F2P players it is extremely recommended to avoid spending currency on weapons you are absolutely sure you want to get. For light spenders/whales, there might be a bit more room for weapons.
Remember that a game should be fun, and if you think unlocking a certain weapon will give you more enjoyment than a new character, it is fine to go for it.
But which weapons should you prioritize? Limited, or standard ones? Which ones are good?
Currently, we only have 2 limited weapons, Jiyan and Yinlin's signatures. Both are good weapons, with good damage increases, however as time goes on players will unlock better 4-Star weapons at higher tiers, which will compete with the signature weapons a lot better. Stay tuned for in-depth character guides for more details on the signature weapons.
Remember that signature weapons will cost you pulls that can be used on limited characters, while standard weapons only use pulls that can be used on standard banners. Since you can unlock all standard characters from losing 50|50s on limited rate up banners, it is not a bad idea to aim for 5-Star weapons from the standard banner. But which ones are worth getting?
Technically, it depends on which characters you own, but there are some to prioritize more.
Emerald of Genesis (Sword) is a really powerful sword that grants Crit Rate as its secondary stat, and additional Energy Recharge & ATK% through the passive. Since a lot of beginner characters that you unlock for free are sword users (Rover, Yangyang, Sanhua), this puts extra value on this weapon. Keep in mind that Sanhua cannot fully stack the weapon passive, however, it's still an incredibly strong stat stick on her as of now.
Static Mist (Duel Pistols) is also a Crit Rate weapon that gives Energy Recharge%, however instead of ATK% to the weapon owner, after performing an outro skill, your team will gain a 10% ATK buff. This makes this weapon a pretty good stat stick to increase the damage of your damage dealers, like Chixia, but also offers supportive benefits to your team, making it also a useful characters on more support based characters like Aalto or Mortefi.