Table of Contents
In certain spots, there are a few gigachad NPCs that give out Astrite in return for nothing (well, not really nothing since some of them have small tasks but still). Here are the locations of all NPCs in version 1.0 (will update if there are more).
Keep in mind that I found them in the order of the following list so I'm unaware whether you need to complete them in these orders or they're all at their places at the same time.

Rong'an can be seen near the waterfall southeast of the Sea of Flames. Talk to him and he will mention something shiny under the waterfall. Check it out (there's a spot with the Inspect option) and tell Rong'an what you found to get 10 Astrite.

Teleport to Resonance Beacon far west of Settle Range and walk southwest a little bit to find Xingbai. Defeat the 3 Tacet Discords in front and talk to him again to get 10 Astrite.
Make sure you talk to Xingbai first before defeating the enemies.
Xingbai (2)

After that, teleport to any Beacon or Nexus near Donglu Research Station and head to the facility west of Donglu Research Station. You can find Xingbai here again and the task is the same as before, defeat the Tacet Discord and talk to him to get 10 Astrite.
Make sure you talk to Xingbai first before defeating the enemies.
Xingbai (3)

Teleport to Beacon in the Sea of Flames and head southeast towards the marked location to find Xingbai once again. This time, all you need to do is talk to him and he will give you Astrite for free.

Teleport to Nexus near Lollo Warehouse and head east towards a road near Plateau Ruins. Cheng is really hungry there so give him any food you have for 10 Astrite.
Cheng (2)

On top of a broken bridge is another Cheng. Talk to him and he will mention how the enemies try to extort him. Defeat them and talk to Cheng again for 10 Astrite.
Xingbai (4)

Another Xingbai can be seen northeast of Qichi Village. This Xingbai just asks some questions that don't have correct or wrong answers. After that, you can have your Astrite.
Rong'an (2)

The second Rong'an can be seen north of Jinzhou surrounded by TD. Defeat them first and gives Rong'an Wintry Bell to get Astrite.
Cheng (3)

Extremely near Rong'an before, just walk to the south a little bit and you can find Cheng beside the boulders. He wants you to save his backpack from a crowd of TD before giving you your Astrite.
Xingbai (5)

The best gigachad Xingbai is here again with another 10 Astrite. You can find him near the Resonance Beacon in Hermit Settlement. First, talk to him and he will mention his dog.

Then, use the Sensor to see a blue glowing line in the air. Follow it until you can't see it anymore. After that, go back to Xingbai and tell him the dog go that way and you will get the Astrite. Yes, you don't need to really find the dog.
Rong'an (3)

Rong'an is having trouble north of Jinzhou city. Talk to him and salvage his backpack from the water. He will give you another 10 Astrite.
Cheng (4)

We got another one here! Save Cheng from the enemies and talk to him for 10 Astrite~
Rong'an (4)

Hi everyone, we're back with another update. This time it's the fourth Rong'an (Thanks Liam301 for the heads up in the comment section!). You can find him northwest of Fallen Grave and he will be on the bridge. All you have to do is talk to him and boom 10 Astrite.