Table of Contents

Go to the campsite above and interact with the items on top of the boxes to get 3 photographs: A Brand New Photograph, A Photograph Covered with Scratches, and A Photograph Stained with Blood. Each of these photos will lead you to buried treasure chests.
Where is the Location in 'A Brand New Photograph'?

This authentic photograph might hint at a clue of treasures hidden around Dim Forest.
Teleport to the Resonance Beacon north of Violet Banyan and walk towards the rock. You will find a Dig option.
Where is the Location in 'A Photograph with Scratches'?

This authentic photograph might hint at a clue of treasures hidden around Tiger's Maw.
Teleport to the Resonance Beacon north of Corroded Ruins and walk north to the edge of the mountain for another Dig option.
Where is the Location in 'A Photograph Stained with Blood'?

This authentic photograph might hint at a clue of treasures hidden around Whining Aix's Mire.
Teleport to Resonance Beacon south of the Court of Savantae Ruins and climb the mountain to the top towards a huge building. Behind that building will have an option to Dig.