Phantom (Shiny) Echo Guide and Locations

Phantom (Shiny) Echo Guide and Locations

Guide to Phantom (Shiny) Echoes in Wuthering Waves, a complete list, their locations, and how to obtain them.

In Wuthering Waves, you can also collect cosmetic skins for your Echoes! They are called Phantom Tacet Discords (TDs), or also known as "Shiny" Echoes (like Shiny Pokémon), and have a different appearance to the normal ones. This guide will show you to use them, obtain them, and where they are located.

List of Phantom Echoes

Open World

Altered Lightcrusher• North of Loong's Rest in Mt. Firmament
• North of Tianqu Tree in Mt. Firmament
Altered Clang Bang• South to Loong's Crest in Mt. Firmament
Phantom: Hoartoise• Bell-Borne Ravine in Gorges of Spirits
• Thorny Passage in Dim Forest
Phantom: Rocksteady Guardian• Near Tower of Adversity in Central Plains
• Withering Frontline in Desorock Highland


NameHow To Get
Phantom: Feilian Beringal• Adversity Exchange
• Price: 120 Hazard Record
Phantom: Impermanence Heron• Depths of Illusive Realm
• Price: 400 Illusive Specimen
Phantom: Mourning Aix• Simulation Training Store
• Price: 300 Data Set
Phantom: Thundering Mephis• Simulation Training Store
• Price: 300 Data Set

How to Use Phantom Echoes

If an Echo has a Phantom skin available, on the bottom right corner there is a small icon you can press.

On the next screen, you will see the Phantom Echo you can apply. They can be applied to multiple Echoes of the same type, or if you happen to have the same one equipped on one character, they can be applied on any one.

How to Obtain Phantom Echoes

As of Version 1.1, you can collect 8 in total: 4 from the overworld and 4 from events and activities.

  • It appears that Phantom Echoes that spawn in the overworld are on fixed locations, and resets after the server daily reset time.
  • Clear Tower of Adversity and exchange them for Hazard Records and Data Sets.
  • Clear Depths of Illusive Realm and exchange them for Illusive Specimens.

Phantom: Lightcrusher

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First location for Phantom: Lightcrusher

There are 2 locations where you can find Altered Lightcrusher. The first one is in the image above, North of Loong's Rest in Mt. Firmament.

Second location for Phantom: Lightcrusher

The second location is North of Tianqu Tree in Mt. Firmament. If you didn't find it in the first location, try to check the second location. Based on the previous version, it appears Phantom Echoes that spawn in the overworld are on fixed locations, and reset after the server's daily reset time.

Phantom: Clang Bang

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You can find the Altered Clang Bang on the platform below the highest point of Loong's Crest.

Teleport to Resonance Beacon near Yue at the top of Loong's Crest and glide down slowly until you reach the 'mouth' of that dragon-looking mountain.

Phantom: Hoartoise

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Can be found near the weekly turtle boss itself in Tolling Stream, and in the riverbank near Thorny Passage.


Phantom: Rocksteady Guardian

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Can be found near Tower of Adversity and Withering Frontline near the Thundering Mephis boss.


Phantom: Impermanence Heron

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Phantom: Feilian Beringal

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  • Location: Points Shop - Adversity Exchange
  • Cost: 120 Hazard Record
  • Requirement: Obtain 1,200 Hazard Records in total

Phantom: Thundering Mephis

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  • Location: Points Shop - Simulation Training Store
  • Cost: 300 Data Set
  • Requirement: Obtain 2,500 Data Sets in total

Phantom: Mourning Aix

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  • Location: Points Shop - Simulation Training Store
  • Cost: 300 Data Set
  • Requirement: Obtain 3,500 Data Sets in total
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